Next Generation Science Standards
Points for today NGSS Review Middle School Alignment NGSS Study Group Professional Learning Timeline
Quick Review What do you remember ( or know ) about NGSS??? Requires shift in teaching practices GROUPED 6-8 in Middle School More inquiry National set of Standards Lot of work!!
NGSS Middle School Alignment SBE adopted the recommendation of the Science Expert Panel (SEP) November, 2013, based on NGSS model (Appendix K) California is a K–8 Instructional Materials adoption state and requires that standards be placed at specific grade levels – sixth, seventh, and eighth
SEP Criteria for Arrangement Performance expectations (PE’s) were placed at each grade level so that they support content articulation across grade levels (from fifth through eighth grade) Best for student learning (PISA)
SEP Criteria for Arrangement Performance Expectations were aligned with the Common Core English Language Arts and Mathematics so that science learning would not be dependent upon skills not yet acquired Variability, natural selection, and ideas of deep time and the fossil record, require understanding of time scale and population distributions of traits that need eighth grade level mathematical sophistication.
SEP Criteria for Arrangement Performance Expectations reflect a balance in the three disciplines (Life, Physical, and Earth and Space) both in content complexity and number at each grade level 21 Life Science – 7 each year 15 Earth and Space Science – 5 each year 19 Physical Science – 3/6/10 4 Engineering Design PE’s - all 4 each year
But , wait……. After feedback from the field, the SBE tasked the SEP to: Create an option that is based on the traditional, or discipline specific, middle school model Due for release and public comment by February
Options Preferred model – balance of Earth and Space, Physical, and Life Includes Engineering throughout OR New option – more traditional
NGSS Study Group Consisting of CISC, CDE, CSTA, K-12 Alliance, CSP, and authors of NGSS Purpose: To build a community of learners from those that will be leading the state implementation of NGSS across the state. To create a community that is knowledgeable about the big ideas in NGSS and that can speak with a common language as they interact with educational stakeholders
NGSS Study Group Common voice as to what NGSS is: A list of "More of This and Less of That" to inform NGSS implementation A "Voice to the Field" list of common messages related to NGSS
NGSS Study Group DRAFT “voice to the field” California educators need to use the National Research Council’s A Framework for K-12 Science Education as the driving source for understanding the components of NGSS and the required depth of student understanding.
Another draft “Voice to the field” Connections among Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts need to be an explicit part of instruction with understanding demonstrated by each student.
NGSS Rollout Seven (7) Statewide San Joaquin/Sacramento Chico/Redding Fresno Bay Area Points south…
Rollout specifics Create teams of “experts” in each “region” Up to 360 teachers, administrators, and curriculum staff For Sacramento, each 13 districts can send up to 6 science leaders (Elementary, MS, HS, Admin, Curriculum) = 5 Awareness through 2 day workshop provided by NGSS Study Group members (CDE, CISC, etc.) Coming this Spring: tentatively April 28-29th
SCOE Science Support for K-12 Build Awareness of NGSS using current curriculum: Get to know NGSS – workshop (February/May) PRIMER - intro NGSS Series (March/April) Deeper dive into SEPs and CCC
Timeline Highlights Today- Curriculum Framework Revision Fall 2015- LEA’s begin Transition Phase of Implementation January 2016- Adoption of Science Framework by SBE Fall 2016 - LEA’s begin full implementation of NGSS November 2017 - Adoption of New Science Instructional Materials based upon NGSS Full timeline – handout