How to write an Argumentative Essay
1. Planning Follow the basic structure (5 paragraph Essay): Introduction + Body 1 (for) + Body 2 (for) + Body 3 (against) + conclusion. Choose your planning method ( diagrams, positive and negative tables, flow charts, etc.) Decide your own stance. Brainstorm your ideas. Choose the points you have the most to write about. Write a topic sentence for each paragraph.
2. Thesis statement Thesis statement= Opinion + 3 main ideas. The thesis statement should be clear, specific and arguable. It should refer to the three points of your body paragraphs.
3. Paragraphing Use Coherence and Cohesion devices. Show progression (from general to specific): Thesis statement+ more specific information about the topic+ example + linking back your thesis statement. Use linkers to connect the ideas within the paragraph.
4. Introduction Consider: what is the main issue? And why do we care? Use BAM: Background (fact, quotation or a rethorical question)+ Argument (thesis statement)+ Main points (main ideas of 3 body paragraphs)
5. Counter paragraph Start with a linking word. Make a topic statement that disagrees with the thesis statement (Opposing argument). Develop the idea. Write an example. Write a transition sentence to defend your stance. (Rebuttal) Write an elaboration point. Link to the task (How this answers the essay question?)
6.Conclusion Start with a linking phrase. Partly admit that the oposing argument is true. Restate your own opinion. Recomend a future action or ask a hipothetical question. The conclusion should have the same lenght of the other pararaphs.
7. Editing Read the essay and check for weaknesses in content, language, grammar and task achievement.