COST 728 Enhancing Meso-Scale Meteorological Modelling Capabilities for Air Pollution and Dispersion Applications
COST 728 Objectives (Selection) Documentation of models, parameterizations, applications Establish parameterizations which are poorly treated for air quality and dispersion modelling Overview of strategies for integrating meteorological models (MetM) and chemistry transport models (CTM) Examine ability and limitations of MetM-CTMs to predict pollution episodes Recommendations for developing, running and validating air quality models Identify main requirements for integrated modelling capability for Europe
Warsaw Meeting – Technical tasks WG1 Parametrization Schemes Maria Athanassiadou presented activities of WG1 The workplan was presented, it was divided into the following tasks with leaders T1.1 Surface processes, Task leader Ekaterina Batchvarova (NIMH) T1.2 Boundary layer and turbulence, Task leader Maria Tombrou (Univ. Athens) T1.3 Wet processes and radiation, Task leader Maria Athanassiadou (MetOffice) T1.4 Applications, Task leader Ranjeet Sokhi (Univ. Hertfordshire)
Warsaw Meeting – Technical tasks WG2 Model Interfaces and unification Alexander Baklanov presented activities of WG2 The workplan was presented, it was divided into the following tasks with leaders Task 2.1, Off-line models and interfaces, Task leader Barbara Fay (DWD) Task 2.2 Model down-scaling and nesting, including data assimilation, Task leader Alain Clappier (EPFL Switz.), with Maria Athanassiadou (MetOffice) as task deputy leader Task 2.3 On-line coupled modelling systems, including feedback mechanisms, Task leader Jacek Kaminski (Univ. York), with Alexander Baklanov (DMI) deputy. Task 2.4. Models unification and harmonization, Task leader Valentin Foltescu (SMHI)
Warsaw Meeting – Technical tasks WG3 Model Applications Mikhail Sofiev (FMI) presented activities of WG3 The workplan was presented, it was divided into the following tasks Task 3.1. Model review, documentation, databases etc. John Duros is task leader for the population of the database ( Task 3.2 Model examination Task 3.3 Identification of limitations and potential methodology improvements Task 3.4 Examination of model applications, case studies Task 3.5 Link to climate modelling groups/link to end users
Warsaw Meeting – Technical tasks WG4 Model Evaluation Heinke Schlünzen (Univ. Hamburg) presented activities of WG4 The workplan was presented, it was divided into the following: Overview on tools and methods for model evaluation Datasets for model evaluation (meta-data) Tools and methods for user training Recommendations for evaluation guidelines, aimed at developers Documented framework for user training Guidance for model results evaluation, aimed at end users and non-experts
Swiss Contribution MeteoSwiss (with EMPA), PSI (with EPFL) Meteorological pre-processor (interface between MetM and CTM) to generate parameters for dispersion models from LM New turbulence parameterization for urban areas Downscaling approach for dispersion-relevant parameters Use of subgrid-scale variability of external parameters Sensitivity of dispersion characteristics to sub-grid scale variability Use of shallow convection parameterization for dispersion modelling Testing of modelling system with real case applications 2 PhD student positions still open!