DESIGN BRIEF: BRIDGE Design a bridge to span a 500mm gap and support a weight no less than 150g and no more than 250g.
BRIDGE The bridge must fail when a weight of 250g + factor of safety is applied. It must be a realistic scale model (ie not all in one piece) It must support a weight of 150g.
BRIDGE You must supply a folder with your model. The folder should include the following headings:
BRIDGE Analysis of brief Research Design ideas Concept sketches Timeline of events Details of manufacture Testing Evaluation of project
Analysis of brief What YOU think the brief is asking for.
Research Pictures and info from books, internet etc about bridges, the different types, the principals behind them and what they are made from. Research Factor of Safety.
Design Ideas & concept sketches Initial ideas of how to build the bridge. Sketches of what it may look like.
Timeline of events 1st is research 2nd is ideas 3rd is to put brief together 4th is to get material 5th is to build etc
Details of manufacture Write a step by step account of how you made the bridge. You can support this by taking pictures as you build it.
Testing You must test the bridge to make sure it fails at 250g + factor of safety.
Evaluation Was the project a success? Did you satisfy the brief? If not, why? What went wrong? What would you do different next time?