The Times 100 Business Case Studies Edition 16 Achieving growth through product development
Introduction to Portakabin Competitive advantage from meeting customer needs Essential Business Solutions = range of new products Provide benefits that add value beyond basic accommodation space Long-established manufacturer of factory-produced modular buildings Provide unique solutions for additional ready-to-use accommodation E.g. for schools, nurseries, hospitals, offices
Generating new product ideas New ideas Provide solutions to problems Respond to customer demand Ideas arise from: Market research Research and development Competitor actions Gap in the market Product innovation delivers business growth Needs structured process to test and implement
Ansoff’s matrix – marketing strategies for growth Market penetration – lower risk Selling more to established or new customers to increase market share Market development – medium risk Finding new markets for existing products – to generate sales Product development – medium risk Creating new products for existing markets/customers Diversification - highest risk Developing new products for new markets – may help to spread business risk
Research processes Primary market research Secondary market research What extra services do existing customers require? Direct customer feedback from sales contacts Secondary market research What external factors must be met? - e.g. legislation such as Disability Discrimination Act Where is the gap in the market? - no supplier meeting customer demand Concept development Developing ideas and testing with potential customers Prioritising most liked ideas
Analysing research findings Customer responses outlined need for: A one-stop-shop Customers do not have to source elsewhere Saves time, money and effort Makes Portakabin distinctive in customers’ minds Single fee for whole job Easier to budget Simpler to schedule work
Customer requirements Essential Business Solutions provides: Support with planning permission/ground works Internal climate control Improved disabled access Integrated cabling/ networks Fire & security systems Decorative extras e.g. floors and blinds A ready-to-go working environment Extra services e.g. air conditioning Improved ease of access Comfortable/productive accommodation Help with infrastructure e.g. service connections
Testing 3 staged testing allows time to check and revise product Developing prototypes – for customers to evaluate Assessing the overall proposition – how well does it meet customer requirements Measuring overall satisfaction to the total product
Launch Various promotional methods employed: Brochures Direct mail and email Web site materials Factsheets EBS new services targeted at: New potential customers interested in building hire Existing customers who might be interested in additional services