Understanding Standards: Hospitality: Practical Cookery An overview of course assessment RGB colours for text Purple = R204 G153 B209 & Dark Blue =R0 G51 B102
What this presentation covers Structure of course assessment now three components question paper assignment practical activity
An overview of what is changed and/or what is unchanged Question paper new Assignment and practical activity assignment – stage 1 practical activity – stage 2
Component 1 – question paper addresses assessment standards which were previously only assessed in units enables candidates to demonstrate underpinning knowledge of skills and processes 30 marks 3 x 10 mark questions 1 hour 25% course award
Component 1 – question paper content based on revised mandatory skills, knowledge and understanding (see course specification) revisions for clarification additional detail in specific sections
Component 1 – question paper equipment weighing and measuring cookery processes food preparation techniques current dietary advice sustainability
Component 1 – question paper costing principles of safety and hygiene characteristics of ingredients origin use in cooking use in traditional cookery appearance or taste
Component 1 – question paper structured question paper each question broken down into parts each part worth 1–6 marks
Component 1 – question paper Command words list/name/identify describe explain calculate evaluate
Component 1 – question paper Specimen question paper and detailed marking instructions published end August 2017
Component 2 and Component 3 – assignment and practical activity no significant change in nature of coursework assessment 100 marks 75% course award
Component 2 - assignment Stage 1: planning completed in centre as currently original submitted to SQA for marking at end of March copy should be amended/improved to ensure a workable plan
Component 2 - assignment Amendments to stage 1: planning timeplan now worth 10 marks additional section – requisition equipment – 4 marks service details – 4 marks total marks for stage 1: planning - 18 marks
Component 3 – practical activity Amendments to stage 2: implementing reduction in marks for professional practice weighing and measuring/hygiene/safety all now worth 4 marks each total marks for stage 2: implementing - 82 marks
Component 3 – practical activity Stage 2: implementing no change in method of marking marked in centre internal verification subject to visiting verification marks submitted to SQA early May
WWW.sqa.org.uk│0303 333 0330 RGB colours for text Purple = R204 G153 B209 & Dark Blue =R0 G51 B102 Arial 20 font black Line spacing 4.8pt before single line spacing