Chair of Evangelisation Group Archdiocese of Cardiff Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon Chair of Evangelisation Group Archdiocese of Cardiff
“After John had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee “After John had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee. There he proclaimed the Good News from God. ‘The time has come’ he said ‘and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Good News.’” (Mark 1:14-15, Jerusalem Bible)
Workshop Exercise In pairs: Why is Jesus Good News for us today? (1 minute to think, 2 minutes each to share)
The Word of God John 3:16 (Jerusalem Bible) God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.
Original photo by G Leyshon
The Gospel Message JESUS IS NOT DEAD! And… He brings hope to those mourning. He offers forgiveness to the guilty. He is proof that God loves us.
Jesus loves you, died for you, walks with you to enlighten, strengthen and free you. Pope Francis THE JOY OF GOSPEL Evangelii Gaudium Pope Francis image © Mazur/ – book cover mockup created by G Leyshon except for Coat of Arms from Wikimedia Commons, by MonBlason under CC BY SA 3.0 license.
TOP TIP 1 THE GOSPEL MESSAGE Know why Jesus is Good News – this is the Basic Gospel Message. Read the Gospels and Acts
TOP TIP 2 MEMORISE Jesus loves you, died for you, walks with you to enlighten, strengthen and free you.
TOP TIP 3 SIMPLE LANGUAGE Know how to communicate the Good News in a way people will understand even if they know nothing else about Jesus – use simple language and relate it to their situation. Practice!
TOP TIP 4 AUDIENCE Understand the different steps of conversion – help your audience to grow through one step at a time. Read Forming Intentional Disciples
Thresholds of Discipleship 1 – The Ability to Trust Christ The Church A Believer Something identifiably Christian
TOP TIP 5 NEUTRAL SPACES Seek to build an authentic relationship, founded on trust. Create spaces for welcome and chat.
Thresholds of Discipleship 1 – The Ability to Trust 2 – Curiosity about Christ or His Church Share naturally how you live your faith!
relationship with Jesus is like.” Whenever you have the opportunity: “Explain what a personal relationship with Jesus is like.”
came to affiliate to your group.” When someone tries to convert you: “Tell me the story of how you came to affiliate to your group.”
TOP TIP 6 LISTEN - SPEAK Listen first, then speak – this helps to develop trust. When it’s the right time to speak, share the Gospel Message through telling the story of your own growth in faith. Make notes to help you!
TOP TIP 7 FAMILY & FRIENDS Share the Gospel Message with your friends. When your friend asks questions: “Answer questions with stories and help them grapple with the issues.” Blog and Post inspirational quotes!
The Great Story of Jesus God loves us, our lives are Good and full of meaning. Jesus is the face of God’s presence among us. Jesus did divine things – he healed and forgave sins! Jesus embraced the Cross out of love for us. Jesus overcame death, and is now alive forever. We are invited to follow Jesus. Our sins also can be forgiven. We can accept God’s Holy Spirit, through baptism, or through repentance of past sins – this requires us to set out on a way of life that leaves something old behind. Many Christians now walk the path of being disciples.
Thresholds of Discipleship 1 – The Ability to Trust 2 – Curiosity about Christ or His Church 3 – Openness to the Possibility of Change Be honest about your own struggles Ask deep questions, “Where is God in this?” Note God at work in your friend’s life Pray for them and with them Introduce them to Eucharistic Adoration
TOP TIP 8 NO ASSUMPTIONS The Gospel Message is challenging and exciting, and should be presented as such. It changes lives for the better. Even Mass-going Catholics may not yet have grasped the message!
“Follow a Mission with groups for deeper catechesis, not ministries.” When you have a Parish Mission: “Follow a Mission with groups for deeper catechesis, not ministries.”
TOP TIP 9 PRIORITISE PRAYER Pray for the friend you want to reach. Invite them to a service. Trust that the Holy Spirit will reach them.
Thresholds of Discipleship 1 – The Ability to Trust 2 – Curiosity about Christ or His Church 3 – Openness to the Possibility of Change 4 – Actively Seeking God Answer their questions Teach them to pray Help them relate to Parish & the Pope
TOP TIP 10 ACCOMPANIMENT Offer a companion for the journey. Suggest joining RCIA when appropriate.
Thresholds of Discipleship 1 – The Ability to Trust 2 – Curiosity about Christ or His Church 3 – Openness to the Possibility of Change 4 – Actively Seeking God 5 – Choosing to Follow Christ
TOP TIP 11 SPECIFIC INVITATION When the time is right, ask a direct question: “So, what about joining the Catholic Church? If not, why not?”
Tell me about God… Not Church, GOD! Atheist: doesn’t exist. Agnostic: don’t know, or can’t say. Impersonal: divine ‘force’ exists. Alienated: God’s a person, we don’t connect. Relational: God’s a person, we do connect.
… the story continues … Get the STORY, not the LABEL. Listen out for these: What do you believe about God and the possibility of a relationship with God? Are you affiliated to a religion? What relationship do you have with Christ/ians? “If you could ask God one question which He would promise to answer right now, what would it be?”
Workshop Exercise In 2s or 3s – what happened when you shared the Gospel Message? (5 mins) 1 – The Ability to Trust 2 – Curiosity about Christ or His Church 3 – Openness to the Possibility of Change 4 – Actively Seeking God 5 – Choosing to Follow Christ
Workshop Exercise (i): In your own daily life, who could you most easily speak with to share the Gospel Message? If your parish or church organisation had a team going out to share the Gospel Message, who would be their target audience? (ii): What would you be willing to say to a stranger who asked you “Tell me about Jesus, and how he is part of your life?”
TOP TIP 12 TRY IT NOW! When you are talking to someone later today: “So, tell me the story of where God is in your life… and then it’s my turn.”
The Word of God Matthew 28:19-20a (Jerusalem Bible) Go therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you.
All the baptised are called to go and share God's love All the baptised are called to go and share God's love. We are all called to be “missionary disciples”. Pope Francis image © Mazur/