Housing Manor and Castles
Middle Ages Manors The area of land in which a lord had domain and could exercise certain rights and privileges
The Manor Included: Mill Church tannery blacksmith Manor House which was built apart from the village where the peasants lived. Peasant/ serf homes
Who lived on a Manor Vassal - free man who held land from a lord to whom in exchange for services and loyalty Bailiff - managed the manors Serf - worked his lord's land and paid him certain dues in return for the use of land Peasant - agricultural worker or laborer Servant: house peasants who worked in the lord's manor house Lord of the manor- In charge of the land and people on it
The Manor House Owned by Medieval England’s wealthy – those who were at or near the top of the feudal system. built of natural stone and they were built to last. Size was an indication of a lord’s wealth.
Peasant Houses Medieval peasants lived little huts. The poverty of such dwellings was a sign of their social scale and their standing in the feudal system
The Manor: The Purpose A self-sufficient community were most peasants lived out their entire lives A space for the Lord to make money and a symbol of his social rank
Middle Ages Castles A castle is a type of fortified structure built during the Middle Ages by European nobility.
Castles: The Purpose Castles were primarily built during the wars of the late Middle Ages for the purpose of protection.
Defenses: The Outer Curtain Wall The vast stone wall which wrapped around the outside of a castle. the main layer of defense
Moats and Water Defenses man made ditches filled with water Stopped attackers from getting too close filled with waste from the castle toilets
Towers and Look Out Points designed to give a full circle view of the countryside around a fortress, so to spot oncoming attackers.
Murder Holes holes in the ceiling which boiling water could be poured through!
The Drawbridge a large wooden plank, attached to the side of the castle and lowered down on chains