Endnote Cite While You Write plugin November 2012 Attila Skultéti askulteti@lib.sote.hu
Endnote toolbar
Insert and manage citations in the document Settings, export, and help Endnote toolbar Insert and manage citations in the document Format citations Settings, export, and help
Endnote toolbar
Insert citation Select the reference you want to insert in the endnote program.
Insert citation
Format… Click Select Another Style… to open a window with the rest of the styles
Insert citations Text Bibliography
We can use find citations also to insert them into the document.
The search runs in the opened Endnote database Find Citations The search runs in the opened Endnote database
Go to Endnote Focuses on the Endnote window, or opens the program if it wasnt running.
Edit citations
Edit citations We can see the references inserted to the document, also we can delete or modify them.
Edit Library references
Edit Library references We can edit the selected reference in Endnote, that way we dont have to search for it.
Unformat Citations Removes the format if the inserted references.
Convert to plain text With this function we remove all the Endnote specific format, it will be a plain word document. Make sure to save a copy of the document first.
Preferences.. We can set the application to use our web database (email and password for the account is needed)
Endnote Web.. From the web we can insert citations by the Find Citations method.
Thank you for your attention!