What happened in world war one a century ago? By Olivia Palin
What was world war one ? World war one was a dreadful war, it included over 100 men. Over 10,000000 people died, it was a tragic time for the British ,some people still visualise their loved ones fighting for there lives! The soldiers thought that after Christmas it would be over but no after Christmas the soldiers thought it would go on forever.
What was the food like ? At the beginning the soldiers were not afraid but, as the war grew they became more scared about the little food. When the war started they had 200g of vegetables and 300g of meat. But as the war grew it was hard to cultivate food. The hard working soldiers usually had their food spilt or it had mud in or it was horribly cold. When winter approached they had to make bread out of dried turnips as there was little amount of wheat.
What were the posters like? Posters were very persuasive and made you visualise what the war would be like . The army tried to make it seem fun but they were lying definitely ! Some of them were not effective but others were . There were pictures of the British winning the war or what Britain would be like if the German ruled Britain. Some did not have pictures some just had writing.
What were animals jobs ? Animals jobs were usually to pull things and to travel into war. The most popular animal was a horse in fact horses had to be fearless and when it was time to fight they had to jump into action! They jumped over colossal items such as hedges, cars barbed wire and also tanks !
How do we remember world war one? We remember ww1 by objects like medals tins and all sorts of mysteries things passed down from relation to relation. R.I.P soldiers