Global Flagship Report on Disability and Development 2018 Robert Venne, Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, dspd, desa
Mandate GA resolution 69/142 of December 2014: “Requests the SG, in coordination with all relevant UN entities, to compile and analyse national policies, programmes, best practices and available statistics regarding persons with disabilities, reflecting progress made in addressing the relevant internationally agreed development goals and the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to be submitted to the General Assembly in a flagship report during 2018.”
Cooperation during the preparation of the prototype report 2015 Contacted various UN agencies and programmes and beyond the UN system for input Received positive responses and draft chapters from UNESCO, WHO, ILO, UN Women, UNICEF, UN University, DESA, OECD, and academic institutions
key issues to be considered in 2018 report Accessibility, urban environments and transportation Education Health and well-being Employment Social Protection
key social groups to be considered in 2018 report Women and girls Children Youth Older persons Indigenous persons Refugees Persons with intellectual and mental disabilities
Time line for the 2018 report Outline of report by 2016 Receiving inputs from partners by end of June 2017 Drafting of report by end of 2017 Release of report to the General Assembly in 2018