Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary! Welcome to Mrs. Novak’s class Arizona College Prep Erie Campus Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!
American Sign Language 2 Welcome back to American Sign Language 2 I am so excited that you have decided to continue your study of American Sign Language for a second year. I want to share a few highlights of what this year will include: A Basic Course in American Sign Language (Lessons 14 – 22) For Hearing People Only book study Building ASL Interpreting Skills Miscellaneous “mini” units for expressive skills Extensive study of Idioms in ASL Translations and Interpreting
Class Expectations 1. Come to class! This is a visual language. You need to be here to learn it. Chronic absences will have a negative effect on your grade. 2. Be prepared. If you do not know your vocabulary or we have an assignment to practice and you are not ready, you cannot participate this makes it difficult for your partner to participate. Know your vocabulary! 3. Be respectful to each other. We become a family of sorts--treat each other well. 4. Supplies – you will need a composition book to take notes from book studies, and a folder to hold vocabulary and grammar pages.
Survival Skills We will continue to have “No Talk Tuesday”, which means NO VOICE. You are asked to sign with a partner frequently during class. You must practice expressive skills (signing) and receptive skills (receiving signs). This time is meant to be taken seriously and I expect you to practice--not socialize. We will also complete our study of the grammatical structure of ASL by glossing (writing) ASL for projects and practice. Fingerspelling is a big component of ASL and we will practice this daily to improve our skills. We do not want to rely on fingerspelling when a concept has a sign, rather we use it as the "fall back" when you aren't sure how to sign something. We take fingerspelling quizzes on FRIDAY. Students use the first 10 minutes of class to practice fingerspelling. The expectation is that they enter the room in silence, find their partner and start spelling. They are to use the vocabulary they know to function during this activity with no voice. If students are talking during this activity they will be asked to wait outside until we are finished practicing.
Resources Optional: Buy a copy of the Master ASL Vocabulary and Dialogue DVD to practice at home. item number mast06 cost $19.95
Dual Enrollment – ASL 2 ACP students have the opportunity to take classes in the World Language Department for dual enrollment credit. While students are enrolled in certain classes at ACP, they may elect to enroll through Chandler Gilbert Community College and receive college credit. The student pays the community college tuition, and thus receives high school credit while simultaneously earning college credit that will later transfer to a college or university. Receiving dual credit is advantageous because you are receiving credit for 2 institutions at the same time and for the fraction of the price it will cost at a university. American Sign Language 2 is currently offered within the World Languages Department under the course titles of SLG 201 for semester 1 and SLG 202 for semester 2.
My Webpage To obtain information about my assignments, projects, study guides, due dates, and how to access the on-line resource programs, you will need to go to our school webpage and then click on faculty and my name: You may also view my blog on my webpage for what was completed in class and what homework is for that day.
A Quote to Remember "One of the most effective ways to learn about oneself is by taking seriously the cultures of others. It forces you to pay attention to those details of life which differentiate them from you.”" -- Edward T. Hall, The Silent Language
Thank you for coming! I hope you have enjoyed this evening and should you have any questions, please feel free to write them down on the paper at the back of the room, and I will either email you or call you with any help I can provide!