Introduction and Outline Statistical Science 9544A Introduction and Outline
Course Outline Basics Instructor David Bellhouse Class times and location MWF 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Room 248 Western Science Centre Office Hours MWF 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: Room 229 Western Science Centre e-mail:
Your Statistical Background It would be necessary to know: linear regression generalized linear regression (glm) R It would be useful (but not crucial) to have some knowledge of: experimental design survey sampling
Highly Useful Books Janice Derr (2000). Statistical Consulting: A Guide to Effective Communication. Duxbury Press. Stephen M. Stigler (2016). The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom. Harvard University Press.
Outline of Topics The outline follows the ingredients for good statistical consulting practice. The topics will not be followed necessarily in the order given below. We may jump from topic to topic as necessary.
The Outline Teamwork Communication Ethics Statistical analysis involves information flowing from the client to the consultant and from the consultant to the client oral and written modes Ethics Statistical analysis concepts methods Computing statistical packages databases
Assessment Pick a chapter from Stigler’s The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom and make a 40-minute in-class presentation on the chapter (may be done in teams depending on numbers enrolled in the course). Write a short essay comparing the guidelines of ethical conduct set by the Statistical Society of Canada and those of the American Statistical Association. Given data that has resulted from a consulting situation, analyze the data and write a report (4 pages, 12 point font, 2.54 cm margins, 1½ line spacing) for the client. You will be put in a mock consulting situation and asked to play the role of the consultant. Participation in class discussions on the readings assigned.
The Statistician as Part of a Team Taken from various job advertisements Civil service position “Statisticians often work in teams, usually including professionals from other disciplines. Strong analytical and IT skills are essential, as are interpersonal and communication skills in order to share findings with your colleagues and clients.” Position in a medical academic environment “As a medical statistician in an academic research unit, you will invariably be part of a team responsible for generating ideas and then designing, implementing and analysing clinical studies.” Pharmaceutical company “Pharmaceutical statisticians spend a lot of time working with people from different disciplines, including doctors, scientists, production managers and marketing teams.” Business credit reporting company “As part of a team based at the HQ of Creditsafe, the successful candidate would be required to take a role in Creditsafe’s data modelling and ad-hoc statistical analysis responsibilities.”
What makes someone a good member of a team or a good team player?
An Effective Team Player communicates constructively listens actively actively participates is supportive of the team shares openly and willingly is cooperative and helpful is flexible can solve problems collaboratively shows commitment to the team is reliable
Team Building One theory on how team building works was put forward by the psychologist Bruce Tuckman in 1965. He describes the basic functions of a team in progress: forming storming norming performing (and adjourning)
Team Building Theory The x-axis shows the strength of the group relationship The y-axis show the ability of the group to focus on the task at hand
team members first meet Forming team members first meet everyone is busy finding their place in the team and sizing each other up they explicitly attempt to avoid conflict in fear of giving off a bad first impression team members then become acquainted and learn to work together very little work on the project at hand gets done during this stage
Storming Two kinds of storms : brainstorming of different individuals’ ideas take place disagreements and arguments arising as a result of brainstorming This stage may result in conflict and confrontation. This tests the group members’ maturity and ability to compromise with others’ opposing ideas. Maturity and compromise are necessary for a team to operate effectively. The process of storming may result in some loss of performance or focus on the task.
Team members start to come together: Norming Team members start to come together: develop processes establish ground rules clarify who does what and how things will be done. The team begins to “gel” and the team is ready to move forward.
There is increased focus Performing There is increased focus on the task on team relationships The team works as one cohesive unit in an efficient and productive manner. The project closes in on completion as the individual members become properly synchronized within their roles.