The Electric Scarecrow Science Booklet The Electric Scarecrow By Isabelle
Here is my best friend’s group Here is my best friend’s group! They created eyes that lit up and used a propeller to create movement. Their circuit looked complicated… We had to create a circuit to make our Scarecrow light up and move. At first we struggled, but we managed to do it in the end! (Phew..)!
These are the special symbols you have to use when writing up a diagram of your work. They help the teacher understand what they are. Occasionally, if they aren’t clear symbols, you can label them! Here Is a diagram of a parallel circuit. This is how we made the scarecrow to work! Yes, even a little circuit can power a big model!
With a little help from the Teachers Created By Isabelle With a little help from the Teachers Although it was our scarecrow, we need to give a lot of credit to our teachers for helping us when needed!! Thank You!!