MyWVM Portal Implementing Datatel Portal at WVMCCD August 2010 Pat & Kevin installed the portal on our server last week and configured what you will see this week it this week This demo is a PowerPoint because we can’t demo live off site We have added sample WVM branding – not our final branding A major objective of the project is messaging to students, which is not yet configured, The course catalog is also not configured. We have not differentiated constituency groups or customized web parts No team sites yet
Datatel’s Portal integrates with Sharepoint to provide Portal pages for Students, Faculty and Employees We can customize branding, by college where necessary These are standard web parts We can show weather for both campuses Calendar is linked to outlook
We chose between standard Sharepoint webparts to add to each page for example : Local Weather Announcements geared to each constituency RSS feeds Team Sites – such as committees, clubs, departments and more What RSS feeds, what team sites will be determined
More Sharepoint webparts Provide useful links for each constituency Publish pictures Bookmarks can be any links to sites we define Pictures can be a slide show
Some webparts such as “Notifications” come directly from Datatel
Notices can be sent from Datatel that are specific to each user
These notices can be configured to link to pages with ways to resolve the problem or just offer additional information
Thru the Portal we can provide single sign on to certain District applications This tab is where we will link to SSI applications (Angel is not)
New web-based Datatel client
UI 4.1 Web Client This is the new web UI 4.1 which is rolling out this month. SSI thru Portal
Provide links to district Applications that can’t use single sign on Angel is not SSI
Web access for employee email Outlook Web creating events that appear on the Portal With notification of events from both Exchange and Datatel.
myWebServices fully integrated into Portal with new look and feel Webadvisor is SSI thru Portal, new look and feel
Tabbed Access to Section Data
Tabbed access, allows you to have multiple WebAdvisor screens open at same time
We can provide a searchable Course Catalog or Interactive Semester Schedule with links to register for classes
You can search current sections by subject
Which will show you information on all offerings for open semesters
Clicking on a section will show you information including # of open seats and a button to allow you to add it to your myWebServices shopping cart
Next Steps Project Kickoff Mid Sept 2010 Training for Constituency and Team Site Admins Define Web parts for Each Constituency Establish Governance process for Team and Constituency sites Establish Navigation / Branding / Look and Feel Establish Plan for Marketing to Students Implement Portal in Production