The Cold War Abroad Vs. The United States The Soviet Union
Post World War II Plans • European nations to be democratic, Yalta Meeting (Feb. 1945): • European nations to be democratic, United Nations created
Post World War II Plans • Germany divided into 4 zones Potsdam conference (July 1945): • Germany divided into 4 zones (USA, S.U., G.B., France)
Iron Curtain Stalin wanted barrier around S.U. Eastern European nations communist, controlled by Soviets “Satellite states”
“From Stettin in the North to Trieste in the south, an iron curtain has descended over Europe.” Winston Churchill to Americans in Speech
Containment Policy U.S. foreign policy that sought to prevent the spread of Soviet communism George Kennan – creator of the Containment policy Truman supported with Truman Doctrine!
Truman Doctrine (1947) Response to communist takeover attempt in Greece Truman gives economic aid to countries fighting communism $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey Controversial example of containment
Marshall Plan (1948-1951) Europe needed to be rebuilt after WWII London, England Dresden, Germany
Marshall Plan (1948-1951) Sec. of State George Marshall--give friendly aid economic recovery was necessary for world peace West German advertisement The free train of the Marshall Plan
Marshall Plan $12.5 billion
Marshall Plan (1948-1951) S.U. and Eastern countries refuse aid
Berlin Airlift (1948-1949) Berlin also divided into 4 zones Soviet zone weak, others prospered and cooperated
Marshall Plan and West Berlin
Berlin Airlift (1948-1949) East Berliners could see difference and left Stalin blockaded West Berlin to stop this Soviets closed Berlin’s railway lines, canals, roads. W. Berlin had 36 days of supplies.
Berlin Airlift (1948-1949) Allies airlift supplies until blockade ended Lasted 11 months! “Operation Vittles”
Every ten minutes a plane took off with supplies for West Berlin. 327 days 277,000 flights 2.5 million tons of supplies
NATO (1949) and Warsaw Pact defensive military alliance created called North Atlantic Treaty Organization Warsaw Pact created in response (S.U.and E. Europe)
Nuclear Arms Race 1949--Soviet Union achieves A-bomb Russian Scientist Kurchatov “Joe -1” Russian A-bomb
Nuclear Arms Race U.S. quadruples defense spending 1952--U.S. invents Hydrogen "super" bomb H-Bomb Test Fireball 3 miles 18 mths. later Soviets have it
1953 Stalin dies; Nikita Kruschev takes over New Leaders 1952 Eisenhower elected 1953 Stalin dies; Nikita Kruschev takes over Nuclear deterrence begins (don’t want WWIII) Eisenhower Kruschev