2017 Grade 6
V a l s Teacher Introduction Mr. Bruckner jbruckner@stvalentineschool.com I am beginning my seventh year teaching at St. Valentine. I truly love teaching, as well as learning from your children every day!
Values rooted in Catholic teachings V a l s Our faith in grade 6: We will use the We Believe textbook. We will also focus on the virtues each month. Students will also have time for quiet prayer, written reflections, and small group activities. Students will attend Mass every Friday at 8:30am. Our school year theme is Let all that we do, be done with love. School Masses Prayers Religion standards Nativity, Passion Play, Confirmation School Theme
V a l s Academic Excellence Reading-Students will work in Guided Reading groups, focusing on a different strategy each week. There will be various assignments incorporated weekly, as well as Vocabulary. English (taught by Mrs. Carpen)-Students will develop a variety of writing pieces throughout the year. We will use the Grammar for Writing textbook. Students will be expected to use complete sentences for all written work. Social Studies-Students will begin by focusing on the Five Themes of Geography. Students will learn about countries in the Western Hemisphere, including the continents of North America and South America, as well as the region of Central America. Within each of these areas, students will learn of the history, government, and economy. Standards taught in your grade
V a l s Academic Excellence Math-The main areas of study include Place Value, Number Operations, Fractions, Graphing, Beginning Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Ratios/Proportions/Percents. Science-The main areas of study include Time and Change, Plate Tectonics, Earth’s Chemistry, Rock Cycle, Weathering and Soil, History of Life on Earth, and Earth and the Moon. Standards taught in your grade
Academic Excellence (con’t) V a l s Students should be completing quality work-effort is key! Homework is typically assigned Monday through Thursday. All homework is due at the start of the school day. Students will fill out their planners each day. Planners should be reviewed and signed by an adult each night. AR points will be assigned each quarter. Engrade (online grading) will be updated throughout the week. We follow the schoolwide Missing Assignment policy. (1st- warning, 2nd-phone call home, 3rd- phone call home and detention) Student Expectations Homework
Academic Excellence (con’t) V a l s Every assignment should be written neatly. Each assignment should have a proper heading. Headings should be in the upper right hand corner of the paper. First and last name, student number Date Subject Page number/Questions assigned Student Expectations Homework
Love and Respect for All V a l s Students need to be kind, safe, and responsible. We have a classroom promise, which is hanging in our classroom. St. Valentine’s Behavior Rubric is utilized if behavior issues arise. Classroom Management
Strong Community in Christ V a l s Please check the classroom webpages on Monday morning. Everything that you need to know for the week will be listed there. Please send an e-mail or write a note in your child’s planner if you have any questions or concerns. Mr. Bruckner's Classroom Page Communicatinf Dojo or Remind How to link
Strong Community in Christ V a l s Looking Ahead: The 6th Grade will be going to Howell Nature Center on Monday, May 14th through Wednesday, May 16th. Communicatinf Dojo or Remind How to link
Strong Community in Christ (con’t) V a l s Thank you for all of your support! Partnership is key to making this school year a success. If you have any questions over the material presented, please send me an email. There will be a Parent Back- to-School night on Thursday, September 21st from 6:30- 8:00pm. I will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Thank parents for support Sept 9 - Mass & Ice Cream Social Set 16 – open school parent day