How do you pay for everything By: Nolan Dawson
Moving out. When you move from home it is a huge jump, you must start doing things on your own and feed yourself. In order to do this you must have enough money for a long time. You must have a good job and you would want to have a car that works well.
Loans Loans are a huge part in life. You gain money but you must pay that back over time… So you must figure out how much you make to see how long it will take to pay back. Your house for example costs a lot and you need to slowly pay back you debt. Having a partner can help to, you can each pay 50/50
First car! Having a car is a double edge sword.. It gets you places but also cost money for gas and purchase price. But you don’t have to pay for bus fees everyday. So maybe finding a job where you can walk or get a loan to get enough money or get an un expensive, not the Lambo you always wanted!!!
Money is so important! Money is something that you must think about everyday. It gets you places it feeds you and your family. Money is huge, if it is buying food or getting a car you need money. So think before you buy or speculate. Understand what is right for you.