Upgrading and Execution Arrangements for GEF-5 June 2009
SGP Stakeholders interviewed
SGP Balance – Risk, Innovation and Cost
Survey response - upgrading
Upgrading – Categories 1 - III
SGP mgmt costs vs. total delivery
Upgrading – Tier 1 Criteria: Prioritization Age: more than 15 years Grantmaking: total of $4 million and more, level of topmost 15% of country programmes Cofinancing: total of $2 million or more Country RAF allocation: more than $25M
SGP Non-LDCs/SIDS prior to 1995 more than $4M
SGP Non-LDCs/SIDS prior to 1995 less than $4M
Upgrading – Tier 2 Criteria: Readiness
Survey response – RAF / STAR caps
Survey response – CORE funding response breakdown
Implementation vs. Execution services
Execution Options Option 1: Improved UNOPS Execution Option 2: Execution through an International NGO or Consortium Option 3: Country Specific Execution Option 4: Combination of 1 and 3 or 2 and 3
GEF Council Evaluation criteria for execution services
SGP Organigramme
Survey response – preferred criteria for execution services
Survey response – SGP Execution services
Options Cost Efficiency Analysis Validated GEF EO findings in Technical Paper on the Management Costs of the SGP Use of metrics related to: management and general fundraising expenses as a percentage of total expenses – used by the Better Business Bureau and the Combined Federal Campaign (a federated charity drive of the US Federal Govt)
Survey of Interest of NGOs Misunderstanding of what execution is Coverage of many NGOs is not global The intention was more for partnerships and joint efforts rather than doing the execution work
Consultants’ Findings Improved UNOPS execution is best option due to: - cost: mid-range as per GEF EO tech. assessment; factor of 2 to 4 lower using IRS Forms 990 assessment. - high transition cost for any shift to other execution options - other options of government and private sector execution runs against the SGP principle of leadership by CSOs and focus on supporting CSOs. But there could be certain country programmes that could be ready to explore an alternative execution option
Scenarios for SGP during GEF-5 Categorization of country programmes Pilot upgrading of ready mature country programmes Execution: -- Improved UNOPS execution -- Explore NGO execution for upgraded country programmes GEF-5 should be a transition phase for SGP where capacity building for larger impacts and for sustainability is a focus
Many Thanks!