Maik und Leo at: THE Port
Content THE Port the concept: Hackathon our 2 weeks
swiss non-profit organisation bridge between scientific and humanitarian communities ⇒ tackle modern societal and humanitarian challenges “We combine creative minds from CERN and non-profit organisations in interdisciplinary teams to work on humanitarian technology related benefits to society.”
Hackathon hacking = enhance/ improve marathon event of several days, in which people of different countries and specialities gather, to work on a specific challenge
The Port: Humanitarian HAckathon Challenges proposed by international organisations or humanitarian field workers, e.g. ICRC Selection and Trimming the challenges, by research and further contact to the challenge setters Chosen Participants from all over the world with highly-special expertise join in the project, on an online basis Coaches, Participants and Challenge setters meet up at CERN for 60 hours
impossible identification Innovated Body Bag Lack of conservation impossible identification More pain to Relatives Financial Problems Legal Problems
designing a new body bag new generation: Body Bag Lack of conservation designing a new body bag extreme strength low Heat capacity free of oxygen
Our work Preparing the Hackathon FUNDRAISING visits Sketches
research based Innovation humanitarian/Social Impact Fundraising requirements fund for NGo´s International research based Innovation humanitarian/Social Impact “The Humanitarian Innovation Fund supports organisations and individuals to identify, nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance.” - HIF “The Humanitarian Innovation Fund supports organisations and individuals to identify, nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance.” - HIF
humanitarian innovation as supported by UNO A Little Sidestep visit at the: Bureau in the UNO humanitarian innovation as supported by UNO The Port and GHL connect: CERN and Uno together with: Science and society
Sources Leo and Maiks Selfie-challenge Thinktank: IdeaSquare