about my career as a nurse Let me Tell you….. about my career as a nurse By: Becki Lawhorne
Tell the world project As part of my “Tell the World” assignment, I created a booth at the local Farmer’s Market to solicit the community’s thoughts about nurses while educating them on our unique role in healthcare. I chose this outlet because I felt that it would let me reach a large of people in a relaxed atmosphere. My booth was perfectly set up in the middle of the market and received quite a bit of attention from the young and old.
Conversation Starters! I developed a “Jeopardy” game to make our conversations fun and interactive! Each category had a series of questions for someone to read and then guess an answer. I gave “Lifesavers” candy and hand-sanitizers as a token for playing!
Project goal My Goal in this project was to stimulate dialogue about the meaningful impact that nurses can have in the lives of patients and the community. I had great success with this project in reaching a wide age range of people. My Jeopardy Game generated a lot of conversation with a group of High School students who had a booth setup beside me.
What I learned… Adults have an enormous amount of appreciation for nurses For individuals who have been hospitalized: Have a basic understanding of a nurse’s role Unaware of the numerous “behind-the-scenes” skills that nurses perform Unaware of the numerous nursing specialties that exist and their importance For individuals who have not been hospitalized: Verbalized the “caring” aspect of nurses Unaware of the necessary knowledge base to care for someone holistically and collaboratively Thinks that nurses are all women
What I learned… Older Adults Some can remember that a “shift” occurred during their time “Nurses do not wear white anymore.” “I see the Nurse-Practitioner at my doctor’s office. “Nurses are less harsh nowadays.” AND MY FAVORITE…. “Nurses do not smoke at the nurse’s station anymore!!!”
What I learned… High-Schoolers Love candy & games! Believes that nurses are similar to the actors and actresses seen on television Unaware of the hours, education, and tasks that nurses perform to care for patients Unaware of the numerous nursing specialties that exist and their importance Thinks that nurses are ALL women Astonished that nurses can care for more than 2 patients (depending on the specialty) Teenage Girls began asking more questions about Nursing education and programs Many wanted to be Pediatricians I talked to them about NICU Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Labor & Delivery Nursing
What I learned… Children Loved to play with my stethoscope Think that nurses work with doctors A couple of 10-year-olds knew that nurses can work outside of the hospital; school-nurse or pediatrician’s office Remember that nurses give shots Developmentally, do not know how nurses provide care
What I loved most… Hearing how nursing has had a profound impact on older adults Knowing that even though many people many not understand the true dynamics of nursing…they at least appreciate our great work! Engaging with high-schoolers and presenting Nursing as a rewarding and mentally provocative career option Challenging the myths and misconceptions that the media and television portray