Maturity Through Giving Just as how engaging the Word and praying to God is a must in order to be mature, giving is a must. Did you know? The Bible is a book about giving, it speaks more about giving than heaven or hell. Jesus talked more about giving than almost any other subject. Over half Jesus’ parable has to do with giving. More promises in Bible to do with giving than any other subjects. 1Cor 16:2 –every week-- habit
How Giving Shows My Spiritual Maturity 2Cor. 8:7– excel in the grace of giving Wow! Of some main words in the Bible: “believe” – 272 times, “pray”– 371 times, “love” – 714 times and “give” – 2162 times God gave His son: God is a giver and in order for us to be like Him we must also become a giver.
7 Reasons God Wants Us To Give Giving makes me more like God: God loves and He gives to demonstrates it John 3:16 Giving draws me closer to God– Matt 6:21 Giving is the antidote to materialism– this is a world of get, get and get more then get again. The only cure is to give 1Tim 6:17-18 Giving strengthens my faith– the way to prove our trust is to give back the first part of our income to God. Luke 6:38
5. Giving is an investment in eternity- Matt 6:19-20 5. Giving is an investment in eternity- Matt 6:19-20. You can’t talk with you but you can send it ahead to you. 6. Giving blesses me in return 7. Giving makes me happy– Acts 20:35 There are two type of people: the givers and the takers
The Bible’s Teaching on Tithing Tithing means a tenth part. God tells us to give the first ten 10% our income to Him. Giving less is not tithing, giving more is more than tithing. How is tithing different from offering? Tithing is giving 10% of my income while offering is giving anything in addition to my tithe.
Why should I tithe? God commands it Lev 27:30 Jesus commended it Matt 23:23 Tithing demonstrates that God has first place in my life. Duet 14:23 Tithing reminds me that everything was giving to me by God. Duet 8:17-18 Tithing expresses my gratitude to God for the blessing He’s done for me. Ps 116:12, Duet 16:17
Why Should I tithe? God says that refusing to tithe is stealing from Him. Malachi 3:8-10 Tithing gives God a chance to prove he exists and wants to bless you. Tithing proves that I really love God. 2Cor 8:7-8
More Questions What should I tithe? Where should I give my tithe? When should I tithe?
Give With The Right Attitude Your attitude to giving is more important than the amount you give. Each person give in proportion to what he/she has. Fair fair We must give willingly. 2 Cor 9:12 We must give joyfully 2Cor 9:7 – giving was the high point in the ancient worship service. Cheerful means hilarious We must give generously 2Cor 8:3-4
Many people say I can’t afford to tithe; the reverse is true: “you can’t afford NOT to” We must give expectantly 2Cor 9:6– you can’t reap what you don’t sow. Key in giving to God: 2Cor 8:5 They gave themselves to the Lord first, then their substances. If God control you then he has all you’ve got. This is the acid test.
Real Giving 1Chron 21:20-25 & 2Sam 24:24 A sacrifice must cost you. 600 shekels of gold. This is over $8 000 000. God’s purpose is worth more than that.