American Foreign Policy (1816-1824) America Spreads its Wings
Do Now Answer the question: Should the United States get involved in helping protect other nations from foreign occupation? Save your answer for later. Make a three column table in your notes and make 4 rows with one column labeled name of treaty/ doctrine, second with who did we make the treaty, in column three indicate the impact of the policy. ex: Treaty/ Doctrine Who did we make the Treaty with Impact
Repairing relations with Great Britain Rush Bagot Treaty- Singed in 1817 by the U.S. and England. Limited the number of warships on the great lakes. Convention of 1818: A convention of British and American dignitaries. Set the boundary between the U.S. and Canada at the 49th parallel.
Adams Onis Treaty 1819 Andrew Jackson sent to stop Seminole raids into the United States. Invaded Spanish territory and attacked local forts. Adams-Onis Treaty: Signed in 1819 with Spain. This treaty granted the U.S. possession of Florida.
Map of the U.S. after 1919 Does the map look somewhat familiar to you? Since the Missouri compromise line only indicates the Arkansas, LA, and Florida are slave states what do you think U.S. policymakers from the South will call for the U.S. to do in order to insure the continue balance of power in the Senate?
Monroe Doctrine Statement issued by James Monroe in 1823. It stated that while the United States would not interfere with existing colonies of major world powers, no new land was to be colonized. rlw Under your table Number 1-3. for number 1 when was the Monroe Doctrine announced. For number 2 give me two major international issues that encouraged the U.S. to propose the Monroe doctrine and for 3 give me the five rationales that Adams and Monroe had for announcing the Monroe Doctrine?
Class Discussion On a separate sheet of paper answer this question in a paragraph. Based on what we discussed in class and you wrote for today’s do now do you think the U.S. was justified in issuing the Monroe doctrine and acquiring all this new land given the sectional issues the nation faced, Why or why not? Give at least three reasons form the lesson why you believe this. After you write your paragraph discuss your answer with your seatmates.