Presidential Foreign Policy Doctrines
George Washington Neutrality Stay out of entangling foreign alliances- isolationism
The Monroe Doctrine- 1823 Europe: Stay out of the Western Hemisphere! A statement of American power
Teddy Roosevelt- Big Stick Diplomacy and Roosevelt Corollary Roosevelt Corollary- The US has the right to intervene anywhere in North and South America The US will be assert our power around the world “speak softly and carry a big stick!”
Truman Doctrine- 1945-1953 Stop the spread of communism, The Domino Theory
Eisenhower Doctrine (1953-1961) Massive Retaliation- If you fire nuclear weapons, we will retaliate with full force How does this help protect peace? How does this lead to potential Armageddon?
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) Human Rights is the foundation of US foreign policy
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) Soviet Union is the evil empire and we will be aggressive to fight them Destroy communism at all costs
George W. Bush (2001-2009) The War on Terror- The US has the right to get involved and secure itself against countries that may harbor terrorists Examples- The Taliban in Afghanistan and Saddam Hussain in Iraq
Obama Doctrine (2009-2017) Negotiation and collaboration over confrontation and unilateralism Differs from Bush Doctrine Not always practiced by Obama
The Trump Doctrine- (2009-?) *American First- We will pursue our interests over other countries *We will bomb the sh*t out of ISIS” *Big stick diplomacy again (North Korea) *Lots of trash talk and tweeting? *Unclear at this point- only 1 year into his presidency