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Presentation transcript:


What we expect from the profiling activity « To define, in the frame of a group of legal units, by grouping some of them, statistical units called « enterprises » that will be used to observe and compile statistics in order to improve the relevance of the business statistics » The profiling aims to solve problems of relevance of the statistics by defining the real economic actors Enterprise group (EG): actor on strategy (development, financing, geographical location) Enterprise: producer of goods and services with a sufficient autonomy of decision The profiling is useful only if the ‘strategic actor’ EG has more than one ‘producer’ The profiled units « enterprises » have to be meaningful for the group

The enterprise’s delineation The enterprise needs to be delineated at the global level (the enterprise only exists at the global level) The global enterprises only are meaningful for the groups The truncated enterprise needs to be defined Need to produce national statistics This truncated enterprise is not a real enterprise, only a part of an enterprise Problem of the definition of the characteristics of the truncated enterprise Principal activity Size Should be those of the global enterprise or should be defined at the truncated level ?

What is expected from the EGR « EGR should support the production of micro based statistics by offering compilers access to an integrated and up-to-date register on multinational enterprise groups (MNEs) in order to compile consistent statistics » Role of harmonisation of information and treatments between Member States Tool to share information between MS : MS need to agree on groups’ main characteristics Operational structure (profiling) Nationality Activities and principal activity Size

What is expected from the EGR (cont’d) Which units need to be in the EGR Global enterprise groups Their relevent operational units (global enterprises) Globally defined Do we need economic information in the EGR ? Who should do the profiling Country of the head quarters of EG?

An illustration of the group’s structure to a group’s point of view

Thank you for your attention