BC/DR Shifts in the Face of Global Enterprise Cloud Critical Facilities Room: R211 Session Number: SDR 5.2 The adoption and transformation of an enterprise cloud-enabled, critical facilities ecosystem is creating the need for major adjustments to BC/DR. Maintaining a dual path to current business needs and enabling the business to transition to the newer ecosystem may impact the cost, risk, testing and overall readiness of the required recovery for the business during this transition. What are those transformations that can help minimize the risk and timeline for implementing a new BC/DR strategy into the real new technology eccosystem? Main take away: What to consider for the BC-DR transformation with Cloud, and new hosting options Why software defined datacenters are becoming a foundation to new strategy Why Traditional BC-DR is no longer valid (What got us here, will not be the way forward) Why Technology Recovery is the new ways Why the traditional strategy needs an enterprise transformation strategy Why the current timeline to total recovery is no longer sustainable Luis Zepeda / Walmart / Enterprise Architect / Critical Facilities-BC-DR