Presentation for the Quarter ended 30th June 2016 Presentation on Financial Results – 30th June 2016
STATUTORY CENTRAL AUDITORS M/s A. Bafna & Co., Jaipur M/s Lunawat & Co., New Delhi M/s V.K. Dhingra & Co., New Delhi M/s Sudit K. Parekh & Co., Mumbai M/s V.K. Ladha & Associates, Ujjain REGIONAL OFFICES 34 BRANCHES REVIEWED BY STATUTORY CENTRAL AUDITORS (SCAs) 20* * Covering 53.97 % of Total Advances of the Bank. {Total Audit/review Coverage is 84.01% of Advances which includes 847 branches under Concurrent Audit other than 20 branches reviewed by SCAs}
SHAREHOLDING PATTERN Held by Jun 2015 Mar 2016 Govt. of India 59.13% 55.17% 58.38% FPIs & NRIs 10.99% 9.12% 7.92% Banks/Financial Institutions and Insurance Cos. 10.40% 16.42% 15.34% Mutual Funds/ UTI & Trusts 10.32% 7.49% 6.61% Others 9.16% 11.80% 11.75% MBD
DELIVERY CHANNELS AS ON 30.06.2016 Category of branch No. of branches No. of ATMs Metro 501 640 Urban 600 692 Semi-Urban 643 657 Rural 607 596 TOTAL 2351 2585 MBD
RESULTS AT A GLANCE ` in Crore Y-o-Y Growth Total Business 354809 PARAMETER ` in Crore Y-o-Y Growth Total Business 354809 3.59% Total Deposits 204508 4.36% Retail Term Deposits (below ` 1 Crore) 87706 11.86% Gross Advances 150301 2.56% Retail Credit 18328 10.58% Housing Loan 12512 17.12%
OTHER HIGHLIGHTS PARAMETER HIGHLIGHTS Average Saving Deposit Increased by 13.84 % (Y-o-Y) Average CASA Deposit Increased by 13.34 % (Y-o-Y) CASA as a % to Total Deposits Increased from 24.21% to 25.91% on Y-o-Y basis i.e. an increase of 170 bps. Non-Interest Income Increased by 35.21% (Y-o-Y) Operating Profit Sequentially up by 4.37% Net Profit Sequentially up from Rs.21.62 crore to Rs.100.69 crore Cost of Deposit Decreased from 7.50% to 6.71% (Y-o-Y) and sequentially down from 6.87% as on March, 2016 (Q4). Recovery & Up-gradation Increased to Rs. 692 Crore. Rise of 44.52% sequentially.
CASA & RETAIL TERM DEPOSITS (` in Crore) Parameters Jun-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 Y-o-Y Growth Current 11,276 12,821 12,704 12.67% Savings 36,174 39,869 40,282 11.36% CASA 47,450 52,690 52,986 11.67% CASA % to Total Deposits 24.21% 25.22% 25.91% 170 bps Retail Term Deposits (below ` 1 Cr.) 78,410 84,811 87,706 11.86%
BUSINESS GROWTH 1 Total Deposits 204010 208915 2.40% 195958 204508 (` in Crore) S. no. PARAMETERS FY-15 FY-16 Y-o-Y Growth June-15 Q1 June-16 Q1 1 Total Deposits 204010 208915 2.40% 195958 204508 4.36% 2 Total Advances 148039 153639 3.78% 146549 150301 2.56% 3 CASA 49365 52690 6.74% 47450 52986 11.67% 4 Average CASA 42455 45155 6.36% 43730 49565 13.34%
TOTAL INCOME (` in Crore) 3841.78 3536.97 3383.07 -11.94% -4.35% S. NO. PARAMETERS Jun-15 Q1 Mar-16 Q4 Jun-16 Variation Y-o-Y Q1(17)<>Q4(16) 1 INTEREST ON ADVANCES/BILLS 3841.78 3536.97 3383.07 -11.94% -4.35% 2 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 1166.52 1222.89 1296.83 11.17% 6.05% 3 OTHER INTEREST INCOME 106.55 198.49 99.03 -7.06% -50.11% 4 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME (1+2+3) 5114.85 4958.35 4778.93 -6.57% -3.62% 5 COMM. EXCHG. & BROKERAGE 237.63 250.94 246.38 3.68% -1.82% 6 TRADING PROFIT FROM TREASURY 101.25 137.20 162.63 60.62% 18.53% 7 OTHER INCOME 115.05 105.11 204.76 77.97% 94.81% 8 NON INTEREST INCOME (5+6+7) 453.93 493.25 613.77 35.21% 24.43% 9 TOTAL INCOME (4+8) 5568.78 5451.60 5392.70 -3.16% -1.08%
Variation Q1(17)<>Q4(16) NON-INTEREST INCOME (` in Crore) S. NO. Parameters Jun-15 Q1 Mar-16 Q4 Jun-16 Variation Y-o-Y % Variation Q1(17)<>Q4(16) 1 Credit Related Income 147.29 161.49 151.32 2.74% -6.30% 2 Other Commission, Exchange & Brokerage 90.34 89.45 95.06 5.22% 6.27% 3 Treasury 101.25 137.20 162.63 60.62% 18.53% 4 Profit on Exchange Transactions 27.26 26.86 24.37 -10.60% -9.27% 5 Bad Debts W/off earlier recovered 60.47 76.57 146.49 142.25% 91.32% 6 Others 27.32 1.68 33.90 24.08% 1917.86% 7 Total Non Interest Income 453.93 493.25 613.77 35.21% 24.43%
Variation Q1(17)<>Q4(16) TOTAL EXPENDITURE (` in Crore) S. NO. PARAMETERS Jun-15 Q1 Mar-16 Q4 Jun-16 Variation Y-o-Y % Variation Q1(17)<>Q4(16) 1 INTT PAID ON DEPOSITS 3638.78 3446.09 3424.80 -5.88% -0.62% 2 INTT PAID ON BONDS 126.77 146.76 141.79 11.85% -3.39% 3 OTHERS 20.79 11.81 7.75 -62.72% -34.38% 4 TOTAL INTEREST PAID (1+2+3) 3786.34 3604.66 3574.34 -5.60% -0.84% 5 ESTABLISHMENT EXPENSES 402.01 602.32 538.31 33.90% -10.63% 6 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 335.94 365.89 362.96 8.04% -0.80% 7 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES (5+6) 737.95 968.21 901.27 22.13% -6.91% 8 TOTAL EXPENSES (4+7) 4524.29 4572.87 4475.61 -1.08% -2.13%
Variation Q1(17)<>Q4(16) OPERATING PROFIT (` in Crore) S. NO. PARAMETERS Jun-15 Q1 Mar-16 Q4 Jun-16 Variation Y-o-Y % Variation Q1(17)<>Q4(16) 1 INTEREST INCOME 5114.85 4958.35 4778.93 -6.57% -3.62% 2 INTEREST EXPENSES 3786.34 3604.66 3574.34 -5.60% -0.84% 3 NII (Spread) (1-2) 1328.51 1353.69 1204.59 -9.33% -11.01% 4 NON INTEREST INCOME 453.93 493.25 613.77 35.21% 24.43% 5 OPERATING EXPENSES 737.95 968.21 901.27 22.13% -6.91% 6 OPERATING PROFIT 1044.49 878.73 917.09 -12.20% 4.37%
NET PROFIT (` in Crore) 1044.49 878.73 917.09 -12.20% 4.37% 786.65 S. NO. PARAMETERS Jun-15 Q1 Mar-16 Q4 Jun-16 Variation Y-o-Y (%) Q1-o-Q4 1 OPERATING PROFIT 1044.49 878.73 917.09 -12.20% 4.37% 2 PROVISIONS 786.65 857.11 816.40 3.78% -4.75% 2 a Prov. for Depreciation on Investment 26.28 -8.92 4.74 -81.96% -153.14% 2 b Prov. for taxes 209.00 -169.00 66.00 -68.42% -139.05% 2 c Prov. for NPA 595.75 1086.51 960.93 92.61% 5.61% 2 d Prov. for Standard Assets 12.20 50.00 19.00 55.74% -62.00% 2 e Prov. for Unhedged Forex Exposure -0.30 -0.20 -5.39 2 f Other Provisions -56.28 -101.28 -228.88 -638.17% -310.19% 3 Net Profit (1-2) 257.84 21.62 100.69 -60.95% 365.73%
REDUCTION IN COST OF RESOURCES CASA as %age to Total Deposits has increased from 24.21% to 25.91% (Y-o-Y), i.e., an increase of 170 bps. Cost of Deposit has declined from 7.50% to 6.71% (Y-o-Y), i.e., a reduction of 79 bps.
COST & YIELD RATIOS S. No. PARAMETERS Jun-15 Q1 Mar-16 Q4 Jun-16 Variation (Y-o-Y) (Q1-o-Q4) 1 Cost of Deposit 7.50% 6.87% 6.71% -79 bps -16 bps 2 Cost of Funds 6.73% 6.18% 6.00% -73 bps -18 bps 3 Yield on Advances 11.61% 10.78% 10.61% -100 bps -17 bps 4 Yield on Investment (without Profit) 7.59% 7.51% 7.49% -10 bps -2 bps 5 Yield on Investment (with Profit) 8.23% 8.33% 8.43% 20 bps 10 bps 6 Yield on Funds 9.09% 8.50% 8.03% -106 bps -47 bps 7 Net Interest Margin (NIM) 2.65% 2.36% -29 bps
OTHER RATIOS Mar-16 Q4 S. NO. PARAMETERS Jun-15 Q1 Jun-16 Variation (Y-o-Y) Q1 (17)<> Q4 (16) 1 Business per Employee (` in Crore) 16.44 16.89 16.26 -1.09% -3.73% 2 Business per Branch 152.09 154.21 150.92 -0.77% -2.13% 3 Book Value per share [` ] 447.40 416.72 399.63 -10.68% -4.10% 4 Cost to Income Ratio 41.40% 52.42% 49.56% 816 bps -286 bps 5 Return on Equity 7.76% 0.65% 2.96% -480 bps 231 bps 6 Return on Assets 0.46% 0.04% 0.17% -29 bps 13 bps
CAPITAL ADEQUACY CAPITAL FUND:- S. No PARTICULARS 1 CET - I 13007.29 (` in Crore) S. No PARTICULARS Jun 15 (BASEL III) Mar 16 Jun 16 CAPITAL FUND:- 1 CET - I 13007.29 14369 14397.40 2 Tier I 14013.81 15341 15351.91 3 Tier II 4049.66 4484 5440.13 4 Total (Tier I + Tier II) 18063.48 19825 20792.04 5 Risk-weighted Assets 163175 168599 167662 6 Capital Adequacy ratio (%) 11.07% 11.76% 12.40% 7 CET – I (%) 7.98% 8.52% 8.59% 8 Tier I (%) 9.10% 9.16% 9 Tier II (%) 2.48% 2.66% 3.24% RMD/TAXATION
PRIORITY SECTOR ADVANCES (` in Crore) PARAMETERS Jun-15 March-16 Jun-16 Y-o-Y % Growth Total Priority Sector 59905.93 62254.73 59632.45 -0.46% Total Agriculture 27269.92 25957.76 24399.26 -10.53% Micro , Small & Medium Enterprises 24104.64 27511.84 26510.19 9.98% Weaker Section 14626.90 16220.30 15528.97 6.17%
RETAIL CREDIT SCHEME June-15 June-16 Y-o-Y % Growth (` in Crore) SCHEME June-15 June-16 Y-o-Y % Growth Total Retail Credit 16575.06 18328.15 10.58% % age to Total Advances 11.31% 12.19% 88 bps Out of which - Housing Loan 10683.05 12511.96 17.12% Personal Loan 398.17 490.71 23.24%
COMPOSITION OF ADVANCES (` in Crore) S.No. Sector 30-06-2015 31-03-2016 30-06-2016 Growth since June 2015 1 Retail 16575 18618 18328 10.58% %age to Total Advance 11.31% 12.12% 12.19% 2 Agriculture (excluding RIDF) 22390 21580 20557 -8.19% 15.28% 14.05% 13.68% 3 MSME (PS +NPS) 26475 30699 28957 9.37% 18.07% 19.98% 19.27% Total RAM 65440 70897 67842 3.67% 44.65% 46.15% 45.14% 4 Corporate Credit (Other than RAM) 80179 81366 80951 0.96% 54.71% 52.96% 53.86% 5 Other Loans 930 1376 1508 62.15% 0.63% 0.90% 1.00% Total 146549 153639 150301 2.56%
ADVANCES – INDUSTRY/SECTOR-WISE BREAK-UP Industry Segment Amt. FB O/s 30.06.16 (` in Crore) %age to total Industry %age to total Credit Iron & Steel 10762 22.67% 7.16% Textile 7270 15.32% 4.84% Food Processing 5886 12.40% 3.92% (Out of which Sugar) 1027 2.16% 0.68% All Engg. 2760 5.81% 1.84% Vehicles, Vehicle Parts & Transport Equipments 1615 3.40% 1.07% Constructions 1712 3.61% 1.14% Other Metal & Metal Products 788 1.66% 0.52% Chemical, Dyes, Paints etc. 1779 3.75% 1.18% (Out of which Pharmaceuticals) 637 1.34% 0.42% Paper & Paper Product 1384 2.92% 0.92% Other Industries 13511 28.46% 8.99% Total Industry 47467 100% 31.58% NBFC 15724 -- 10.46% Commercial Real Estate 8336 5.55% Food Credit 2580 1.72% Others 76194 50.69% Gross Advances 150301
EXPOSURE TO INFRASTRUCTURE Break up of exposure to Power Sector (` in Crore) Segment 30.06.2015 30.06.2016 Y-o-Y Total Infrastructure 32345 26531 -17.97% Out of which: - Power 19526 13475 -30.99% - Ports, Roads & Highways 7487 7865 5.05% Telecom 2437 2740 12.44% Break up of exposure to Power Sector Particular 30.06.2016 % to Total Exp. % to Total Power Central Govt. 752 0.36% 5.58% State Govt. 4659 2.21% 34.57% Private 8064 3.82% 59.85% Total 13475 6.39% 100.00%
INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO BREAK UP (` in Crore) As on 30.06.2015 As on 30.06.2016 CATEGORY HTM AFS HFT Total SLR 36789.55 14612.02 450.22 51851.79 36271.28 16490.80 0.00 52762.08 NSLR 357.56 5823.29 247.18 6428.03 4687.48 7086.04 494.72 12268.24 TOTAL 37147.11 20435.31 697.40 58279.82 40958.76 23576.84 65030.32 % to Total Portfolio 63.74% 35.06% 1.20% 100.00% 62.98% 36.26% 0.76% INVESTMENT CELL
STANDARD RESTRUCTURED ACCOUNTS (` In Crore) S. No Period of Restructuring Restructured amount Additional/ Incremental facilities Total 1 Upto 2015-16 7864 1607 9471 2 2016-17 (Q1) 234 0.00 8098 9705* (*) Includes aggregate exposure of ` 1156 Crore (11.91 %) to PSUs comprising Discoms (` 794 crore) and Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd (` 362 crore). CMCDEL
STANDARD RESTRUCTURED ACCOUNTS SECTOR WISE (` in Crore) S.No Restructured Accounts O/s Balance as on 30.06.2016 1 State Discoms 794 3 Under CDR 2894 4 Under MSME 306 5 Others 5711 6 Total 9705 Breakup of State Discoms U P Discom : 577 Haryana Discom (UHBVNL) : 62 Tamil Nadu : 155 CMCDEL
STANDARD RESTRUCTURED ACCOUNTS ACTIVITY WISE (` in Crore) S.No Particulars O/s as on 30.06.2016 % of total 1 Infrastructure 3562 36.70% 2 Textiles 160 1.65% 3 Iron & steel 1490 15.35% 4 Paper 35 0.36% 5 Agriculture 1060 10.92% 6 Sugar 498 5.13% 7 Others 2900 29.89% Total 9705 100.00 % Break up of Infrastructure Amt State Discoms 794 Telecom 159 Power Generation 1089 Roads ,Highways & Ports 1104 Others 416 Total 3562 CMCDEL
NPA (` in Crore) S. NO. PARAMETERS Jun-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 1 Gross NPA 8577.04 14701.78 17208.91 2 Gross NPA as % of Gross Advances 5.85% 9.57% 11.45% 3 Net NPA 5357.77 9932.15 11734.30 4 Net NPA as a % of Net Advances 3.76% 6.70% 8.11% 5 Provision Coverage Ratio 59.55% 51.16% 49.33% NPA
NPA MOVEMENT (` in Crore) 7666.22 11824.90 14701.78 691.13 1142.30 S.No PARTICULAR Jun-15 Q1 March-16 Q4 Jun-16 1 Opening Gross NPAs 7666.22 11824.90 14701.78 2 Recovery in Ledger Balance 169.17 383.46 258.77 3 Up gradation 292.16 7.96 265.33 4 Write Off 229.80 750.88 432.58 5 Total Reduction (2+3+4) 691.13 1142.30 956.68 6 Fresh Addition 1601.95 4019.18 3463.81 7 Closing Gross NPAs 8577.04 17208.91 8 Provision 3219.27 4769.63 5474.61 9 Closing Net NPAs 5357.77 9932.15 11734.30 10-a Cash Recovery in Bad Debt Written-off 60.47 76.57 146.50 10-b Cash Recovery in Recorded Interest 24.27 10.62 21.09 10 Total Cash Recovery in Revenue i.e.(10a+10b) 84.74 87.19 167.59 11 Total Recovery including upgradation (2+3+10) 546.07 478.61 691.69 NPA
COMPOSITION OF NPA (` in Crore) Sector/ Industries O/s Jun-15 NPA to O/s in the Sector jun-15 % of NPA to Gross NPA Mar-16 % of NPA to O/s in the Sector Mar-16 Jun-16 % of NPA to O/s in the Sector Jun-16 Retail 16575 373 2.25% 4.35% 18618 302 1.62% 2.05% 18328 319 1.74% 1.85% Agriculture (Excl.RIDF) 22390 1450 6.48% 16.91% 21580 1365 6.33% 9.28% 20557 1288 6.27% 7.48% MSME 26475 1923 7.26% 22.42% 30699 2335 7.61% 15.88% 28957 2631 9.09% 15.29% Total RAM 65440 3746 5.96% 43.67% 70897 4002 5.64% 27.22% 67842 4238 6.25% 24.63% Corporate Credit other than RAM 81109 4831 56.33% 82742 10700 12.93% 72.78% 82459 12970 15.73% 75.37% Total Advances 146549 8577 5.85% 100% 153639 14702 9.57% 150301 17208 11.45% 100.00%
OTHER SECTORAL NPA (` in Crore) Sector/ Industries O/s Jun-15 NPA % of NPA to O/s in the Sector Jun-15 % of NPA to Gross NPA jun-15 Mar-16 % of NPA to O/s in the Sector Mar-16 Jun-16 % of NPA to O/s in the Sector Jun-16 Infrastructure 24833 611 2.46% 7.12% 21664 1047 4.83% 19799 1131 5.71% 6.57% Textile 7368 918 12.46% 10.70% 7622 1203 15.78% 8.18% 7270 1860 25.58% 10.81% Iron & Steel 9766 1112 11.39% 12.96% 10854 5295 48.78% 36.02% 10762 6101 56.69% 35.45% Food Proc. 5559 550 9.89% 6.41% 5825 422 7.24% 2.87% 5886 530 9.00% 3.08% NBFC 14081 0.00% 16812 21 0.12% 0.14% 15724 25 0.16% 0.15%
ADC & MARKETING INITIATIVES (Q1 FY 2016-17) Facility for Registration for Mobile Banking Services through Internet Banking has been launched. The facility of Inter Bank Mobile Banking registration through ATMs has been introduced. Now our Bank’s cardholder can register for mobile banking through other bank’s ATM in addition to bank’s own ATMs. Pre-Authorisation of Shopping Mall Transactions Without Workflow For ‘Corporate Users’ wherein all the customers having Corporate Net Banking facility has been enabled for eCommerce transaction. Bank has launched the facility for Online Share trading platform in tie-up with ‘Kotak Securities Ltd’ in addition to the existing tie-up with ‘Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services Ltd’, ‘IDBI Capital’ & ‘Karvy Stock Broking Ltd’. A special Current account linked with POS facility has been launched christened as“ORIENTAL MERCHANT CURRENT ACCOUNT’.
Thank You