Cole Ramirez, Joe Hultman, Jessie Harmon Cell Phones Cole Ramirez, Joe Hultman, Jessie Harmon
History Motorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone. On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, made the first phone call from a cell phone The world’s first cell phone was launched in 1983 - Motorola DynaTAC 800x It was priced at around $4,000 and lasted for 30 minutes of talk time before dying Cell phones were originally created so people could take while they drove. Initially called “car phones” 1993’s (IBM Simon) the world’s first smartphone
Main Points How it works and the number of users Convenience Impacts on communication
Number of Users There are 6.8 billion people with cell phone subscriptions in the world (7 billion people in the world) It took a little more than 20 years for this to happen More people around the world have cell phones than ever had land lines
How it Works Two-way radio Different models offer different benefits Variety of models offered to meet your needs
Convenience Prior to the invention of cell phones, the only way to make a long distance call was through a land line In order to make the call you would have to sign up with a long distance company Very easy to use, also it’s small so it’s easy to carry around You can keep close contact with family With new GPS features on cell phones you can be able to know where people are like family members
Impacts on Communication Allows easier and quicker contact Less face-to-face interaction Cell phones are preventing social skills from being taught because children are too caught up in technology than the real world Miss communication Lack of concentration and sleep Dependent on cell phones
Statistics in America 91% of American adults own a cell phone Many use the device for much more than phone calls Most Americans use a cell phone for texting
Conclusion Number of users, and how it works Convenience Impacts on communication How would you feel if you did not have a cell phone in this day and age?
Bibliography ever-had-land-lines/ +Cell+Phone+Mobile+Phone phones-1973-2008-handsets-made-it-all-happen