Welcome to Physics 2210 Mechanics Anthony Pantziris Your required course material: 1. Online Access to FlipItPhysics www.flipitphysics.com 2. Online Access to webAssign https://www.webassign.net/utah/login.html Mention that other standard textbooks are optional; see course website.
Course Websites Main course website: http://www.physics.utah.edu/~woolf/2210_tony.html Schedule, links, syllabus, solutions to exams, exam reviews, old exams, etc. All info that is not in this presentation is at this site! FlipItPhysics website: http://www.flipitphysics.com Prelectures, Checkpoints Course calendar WebAssign website: https://www.webassign.net/utah/login.html Homework Assignments (from: Physics for Scientists and Engineers, by Serway and Jewett, 6th edition) Gradebook for HW and Exams, Solutions to assignments Announcements
Contact Information Instructor Anthony Pantziris: app@physics.utah.edu , faster: 2210physics@gmail.com , office: INSCC 218 Course Coordinator Mary Ann Woolf: woolf@physics.utah.edu , JFB 205 Course Marshal Su Kong Chong: sukong.chong@utah.edu WebAssign Guru Doug Baird: doug.baird@utah.edu Discussion TAs Hassan Allami: hassan.allami@gmail.com Shuwan Liu: shuwan.liu@utah.edu Adnan Nahlawi: adnan.nahlawi@utah.edu Julia Russ: alovelycupoftea23@gmail.com
Assignments, Exams and Grades Prelectures and Checkpoints-10% FlipItPhysics: Due at 11:00 a.m. (see FlipItPhysics calendar). You get credit for completion, not for correctness You must watch the whole prelecture (about 20 minutes) to get credit! Homework-15% WebAssign: Due at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays (graded automatically). The lowest five Homework scores are dropped. You get credit for correctness Exams-75% 4 midterms, 50 minutes each (see calendar). The lowest score midterm is dropped. -50% Final exam: Friday, August 4, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. -25% Extra Credit-5% You get extra credit of 5% if you attend your discussion sections regularly: at least 80% of the meetings.
Textbooks: You should get this one! Optional FlipItPhysics: Classical Mechanics By Gladding, Selen and Seltzer Physics for Scientists and Engineers By Serway and Jewett ANY edition is fine.
How we’ll use FlipItPhysics You will VIEW video PreLectures before class: CONFRONT the concepts and principles PreLectures are animated, narrated tutorials of key concepts. There are embedded questions within the PreLectures; you get credit for viewing the PreLecture and answering the questions. I am not scoring the embedded questions for correctness, but rather, for completion. You must follow the sequence of the slides—they are meant to build upon each other. If you want to read the script of the tutorial, you can do this in one of two ways: a) read the related unit in the textbook or b) click the notebook paper icon on the PreLecture and you’ll pull up the script. You can also view the PreLecture with closed captioning (by clicking on the CC button on the bottom of the screen).
How we’ll use FlipItPhysics Next, you’ll complete a CheckPoint quiz before class: CHECK your understanding of the PreLecture CheckPoints are assessments that are designed to help you—and me—determine your understanding of the PreLecture material as a whole. You must submit the complete CheckPoint to get credit but you aren’t penalized for multiple attempts or wrong answers. That said, I will be referring to the CheckPoints (and some of your comments) in lecture so it is important that you answer the questions to the best of your abilities.
How we’ll use FlipItPhysics COME to Lecture! The lecture will be more INTERACTIVE because of the work you’ve done before class Address questions and difficulties expressed by students from the prelectures and checkpoints Work out examples Use checkpoint questions plus others to survey class (“vote” with color-coded cards)
How you can do well in this course You should spend at least 3 hours on prelectures and homework for every lecture! MAKE A GOOD EFFORT ON THE ONLINE ACTIVITIES. The last CheckPoint question is optional and is called “Lecture Thoughts.” I will study these before class and will adjust the lecture to your needs. PARTICIPATE IN LECTURE. You will learn more (and have more fun) from an active setting in which you participate with the instructor and your peers to probe your understanding of the fundamental principles. 3. DO THE HOMEWORK THE RIGHT WAY!!! To truly understand physics you must practice solving problems. Work on the homework on your own as far as possible. Then go to your discussion section, to learn techniques on how to solve problems and ask for hints that will help you finish your assignment. If you still need help, go to the help lab. Peer instruction is very much encouraged.
So how do you get started? Create a FlipItPhysics account Go to www.flipitphysics.com Enter your personal information and email address Join my course using the course access key UU_M_S17 You can get access and get credit for your work. Make sure your unique identifier is set to be your UNID, that is u followed by your seven digit number. You can get 30 days of free access to my course. Purchase access Purchase access online
Create a FlipItPhysics account Go to www.flipitphysics.com Locate and select “Get access to FlipItPhysics > Student” Enter your email address. Complete the Captcha Image Click “Register”. You will receive an email with instructions what to do next
Create a FlipItPhysics account 6. Setup your profile (name, email address, password, institution) 7. Reenter your password then click “save”. 8. Choose the “Enrollments” tab and enter the access key of this course: UU_M_S17
Enroll in this course 9. Enter your UNID: To enroll in this course you should enter your student UNID: uxxxxxxx (Your UNID: “u” followed by 7 digits)
Access FlipItPhysics Congratulations! You are now enrolled in your course! You will be given 30 days in which to access FlipItPhysics before having to purchase access or redeem an access code. This will provide you with a grace period should you opt to drop the course. After the 30 days (or before, if you’d like), you must buy access online with a credit card.
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