RVO 21 sept 2017 Prof Dr Ir Egbert-Jan Sol TNO/Smart Industry
DIH regio DIH thematisch Fieldlab DIH nationaal
Digital Innovation Hubs & Platforms and Pilots
DT-ICT-02 Robotics DIH (2018 64 Me) Proposals 16 Mc per application area (1-4)
Digital Innovation Hubs & Platforms and Pilots
DT-ICT-07 Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories 1 & 2 48 Me in 2018 3 & 4 45 Me in 2019, proposals max 16 Me
DT-ICT-07 Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories Criteria: Platform building: open, more suppliers, more users, various type of applications Large-scale Piloting: interoperable,complex regulations, secure & safe use Ecosystem building: expanding in a eco system (type of application) Standardisation
Digital Innovation Hubs & Platforms and Pilots