CS 1010– Introduction to Computer Science Daniel Tauritz, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Computer Science Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies Welcome to the Wonderful World of Dr. T!
Who is Dr. T? Associate Professor of Computer Science Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies Founding Director, Natural Computation Laboratory (NC-LAB) Contract Scientist, Department 5838: Cyber Initiatives, Sandia National Laboratories University Collaboration Scientist, Group A-4: Advanced Research in Cyber Systems, Los Alamos National Laboratory Academic Director, LANL/S&T Cyber Security Sciences Institute (CSSI)
Who is Dr. T? ACM SIG-Security Faculty Advisor Investigator, Intelligent Systems Center Co-Chair, ECADA 2015, 2016, 2017 Joint Appointment in Computer Engineering Chair, ITCC Computer Security Task Force Departmental Curricula Coordinator Departmental Rep, Discipline Specific Curricula Committee – Engineering & Computing Chair, Assistant Teaching Professor Search Committee
CS1200 Discrete Mathematics Teaching CS1200 Discrete Mathematics CS5400 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence CS5401 Evolutionary Computing CS6400 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence CS6401 Advanced Evolutionary Computing
CS1200 – Discrete Mathematics The mathematical foundations for creating discrete abstractions of the real-world and algorithms to operate on those abstract structures.
CS5400 – Introduction to AI Problem solving through state space search (search algorithms which operate on abstract representations of the real-world) AI Tournament
CS5401 – Evolutionary Computing Problem solving through stochastic, population-based search inspired by natural evolution theory (algorithms which operate on abstract representations of the real-world)
CS6400/6401 – Advanced Topics in AI/Advanced EC Individual research projects The goal of scientific research is to add to the body of knowledge
Dr. T’s research projects Computational Game Theory Coevolving Attackers and Defenders in Large Infrastructure Networks Heuristics, meta-heuristics, and hyper-heuristics SAT & Cyber Security Graph Algorithms Evolving Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) Neural Networks