Yoichi MAEDA, CEO & SVP of TTC Document No: GSC-21_026 Source: TTC Contact: Yoichi MAEDA, yoichi.maeda@s.ttc.or.jp Agenda Item: 2.12 Priorities of TTC Yoichi MAEDA, CEO & SVP of TTC 26-27 September 2017 HOSTED BY
1. TTC’s hot standardization topics 5G IoT/M2M All IP Interconnection Agenda 1. TTC’s hot standardization topics 5G IoT/M2M All IP Interconnection 2. TTC’s challenge Supplementary slides
IMT-2020 / 5G Started an initial study of IMT-2020/5G networking (Sept 2014 - March 2015) and developed White Paper on 5G networking (non-radio aspects): http://www.ttc.or.jp/e/topics/20150413/download The second phase of the study was completed in September 2015, which identified key networking study issues such as network softwarization, mobile front/back-haul networks, mobile edge computing. Series of 5G/IMT-2020 enlightening workshop were held from November 2016 to May 2017 (supplementary slide 1) Support 5GMF (the Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum) in Japan with keeping close collaboration with ARIB: http://5gmf.jp/en/
IMT-2020 / 5G TTC’s 5G Standardization Coordination Adhoc comprised of Network Vision WG, 3GPP WG, Mobile Network Management WG, Access Network WG and Transport Network & EMC WG holds joint meetings regularly to confirm the strategic direction of ITU-T and 3GPP and to avoid duplication of the works. 5G study results have been submitted as input contributions to the following organizations: 3GPP, ITU-T SG13 WP1, Network softwarization including SDN, network slicing and orchestration (supplementary slide 2), ITU-T SG15 WP3, Technical report on Transport network support of IMT- 2020/5G etc. (supplementary slide 3).
Network softwarization view of the 5G mobile networks Slice means a logical set of infrastructure resources (i.e., physical, logical, virtual resources) to enable functions and services of network. A slice is considered as a unit of programmable resources such as network, computation and storage. As 5G Mobile Network should cover wider variety of application domains, the concept of slicing should be extended from what are currently targeted by SDN/NFV technologies. TTC has contributed to the network softwarization related standardization in ITU-T SG13/Q21
IoT/M2M Promotion of oneM2M in Japan in cooperation with ARIB - Release2 Seminar in September 2016 in Tokyo - Support for Interoperabililty Test event in November 2016 in Kobe - oneM2M Showcase event #2 on March 2 2017 in Tokyo TTC Adhoc on IoT/Smart Cities and Communities, comprised of Multimedia Application WG, IoT Area Network WG, Connected Car WG, oneM2M WG, ICT & CC WG, Security WG, Network Vision WG and Signalling WG, is discussing how Japanese industry could contribute to the relevant standardization activities, especially in ITU-T SG20. This Adhoc played very important role in coordinating joint sector members proposal in supporting the transposition of oneM2M TS/TR of Release 2A into ITU-T Recommendations at SG20 meeting in September 2017.
IoT/M2M IoT Acceleration Consortium (http://www.iotac.jp/en/) was established in October 2015 by Ministries, namely MITI & MIC Japan, with the aim of creating an adequate environment for attracting IoT investment in the future through public-private collaboration. TTC is supporting a secretary role in the consortium. In addition, TTC has started to provide short-term IoT forum hosting service in June 2016. Here, the forum can be speedily set up at reasonable cost for the participants from different industries. Participation is open to non-TTC member and the participants can freely discuss about the IoT based new business.
IoT/M2M The detailed services we plan to provide are as follows: holding seminar and workshop (Information exchange, Idea exchange), holding human resource development seminar, and holding Ideathon and Hackathon supporting proof of concept and application development. The expected outcomes are to facilitate team building among different industries for business creation and to activate pre/post standardization process.
All IP – IMS Interconnection All IP Interconnection : 3GPP, GSMA PSTN migration to all IP networks (by year 2025) project in Japan VoIP/VoLTE interworking guideline between IMS (JJ-90.30) in cooperation with GSMA (GSM Association) ENUM (JJ-90.31) Number portability(JT-E164 Sup.2) VoLTE speech quality assessment guideline All IP Interconnection Adhoc, comprised of Signalling WG, 3GPP WG & Mobile Network Management WG, has been contributing to the realization of smooth transition from the existing PSTN to all IP networks.
TTC’s challenges Interests of ICT users are moving to services/applications where not only telecom operators but also OTT players are active. How to make our activity more attractive to not only existing ICT industry but also other industries using ICT services? How to increase TTC members and improve our financial environment? TTC has established IoT innovation promotion committee in I3C in June 2017, where various industry groups can form a forum (we call it IoT Working Party) across different IoT fields and discuss idea creation, business collaboration, etc., as shown in slide7&8. It is expected that their discussions would trigger new standardization activity in TTC.
Supplementary slides
(supplementary slide 1) Enlightening Seminar Series on 5G/IMT-2020 key technologies “Network Softwarization” November 17 2016 (80 participants) Network softwarization & slicing, High-speed SDN switch, etc. “5G Application” February 16 2017 (83 participants) 5G application & ICN, NetroSphere, etc. “Network Slicing” March 16 2017 (113 participants) Network slicing & 5G, Industrial use case, FH & BH network softwarization, etc. “3GPP 5G architecture” May 31 2017 ( 116 participants) 5G system architecture WI and schedule, variation & migration, etc.
(supplementary slide 2-1/2) Progress of 5G/IMT-2020 Recommendations in ITU-T SG13(up to July 14 2017 WP meetings)
(supplementary slide 2-2/2) Progress of 5G/IMT-2020 Recommendations in ITU-T SG13(up to July 14 2017 WP meetings)
Progress of 5G/IMT-2020 Recommendations in ITU-T SG15 (supplementary slide 3) Progress of 5G/IMT-2020 Recommendations in ITU-T SG15 In SG15 meeting in June 2017, WP3/SG15 initiated the development of G-series Technical Report, “Transport network support of IMT-2020/5G”. (target: February 2018) A reference model for the IMT-2020/5G transport network A set of deployment scenarios Control/Management interfaces Support of IMT-2020/5G network slicing(data plane and control plane) Interface Q2/SG15 started to develop new supplement, “5G wireless fronthaul requirements in a PON context.” (target: October 2018)
TTC WG structure
TTC members
TTC documents [Note] this graph does not include TS or TR] Type No. Note JT 428 TTC Std. based on ITU-T Recommendations JP 173 TTC Std. based on deliverables by regional SDOs or partnership projects JF 154 TTC Std. based on Forum standards JJ 65 TTC Std. developed originally by Japan/TTC JS 40 TTC Std. based on ISO Stds TS 11,803 Technical Specifications TR 537 Technical Reports [Note] this graph does not include TS or TR] [Note] As of March 2017]
Thank you For more information, please contact: Yoichi MAEDA yoichi.maeda@s.ttc.or.jp : Affiliation Name: TTC http://www.ttc.or.jp/e/