Mecklenburg Area Partnership for Primary Care Research (MAPPR) Hello my name is Brisa Urquieta de Hernandez and I the research coordinator at Mecklenburg Area Partnership for Primary Care Research and this is my colleague Lauren Mowrer
Who is MAPPR? A transdisciplinary practice based research network (PBRN) within the Department of Family Medicine of Carolinas Healthcare System Director of Research, Michael Dulin, MD, PhD Clinical trials, Quality Improvement and Community Based Research MISSION Build collaborations Mobilize healthcare professionals, community members and researchers VISION Alleviate healthcare disparities and barriers to access among the underserved and underinsured populations in Mecklenburg County. So to give you a little bit of background about our regional PBRN, we are housed at the Department of Family Medicine at Carolinas Healthcare System, in Charlotte North Carolina. Carolina Healthcare System is the 3rd largest health system in the US. Our mission includes two parts: To build a collaboration to assess the healthcare needs of Charlotte’s growing Latino and underserved population. To mobilize healthcare professionals, community members and researchers to develop an understanding of the challenges and opportunities of providing healthcare services and improved access to Latino and other under-served communities in the Charlotte area. Our vision is to alleviate healthcare disparities and barriers to access.
Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Collaborative approach Involves all partners in the research process Recognizes the unique strengths that each brings Research topic of importance to community Aim of combining knowledge with action Achieving social change to improve health outcomes and eliminate health disparities To fulfill our mission we use the principles of community based participatory research. This allows us to have a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. We like to start with a research topic of importance to the community and aim to combine knowledge with action and achieve social change to improve health outcomes and eliminate health disparities One essential component of this for us is our community advisory board.
“Community Participatory Approach to Improving Health in a Hispanic Population” Funded National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHHD), National Institute for Health (NIH) Looking at the use of CBPR within MAPPR Identify disease/medical condition of greatest importance to the community Facilitate the development and deployment of an effective community-based intervention
Current Status We are currently doing a three prong intervention: Kick off community health fair (June 2010) Hispanos Saludables: 150 women participated in exercise and nutrition classes from the Mecklenburg County Health Department. (Aug 2010-April 2011) MAPPR conducted evaluation of the program (Data analysis on-going) A sub-committee of the CAB created Spanish language radionovela to provide health information to a broader audience (June 2011, Part 2 on-going)
“Improving Healthcare Access for a Transitioning Community Using Participatory Research” A project funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Use of CBPR within MAPPR Assessing barriers to access of care among a certain population and using principles of CBPR to create intervention ideas Design and implement an intervention that can alleviate these barriers to access
Current Status Held two community meetings, decision made to develop a comprehensive web based resource directory for Mecklenburg County Currently collaborating with Community Building Initiative, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee, and Crossroads Charlotte to develop The MAP Populating with community organization information, plan for it to be searchable early summer.
Want to learn more about MAPPR? Join our listserv by emailing LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CAROLINAS.ORG with “MAPPR SUBSCRIBE” in the body of the email.
MAPPR and Latino Initiative Collaboration MAPPR has an established Community Advisory Board that can: Support and provide assistance to complete program requirements Access to data Community partners [[anything else to add]]
Latino Initiative Health and Policy Program Video ADD LINK TO LI VIDEO HERE Alumni Experience Owen Furuseth Dianne English
Brainstorm Potential nominees for the Charlotte Team Need at least 5 people Variety of health fields and professional levels Jennifer Roberts has been nominated Local Funding Opportunities Application deadline April 15
Next meeting? MAPPR CAB- 1st Thursday of month Locations vary Other dates or locations?