Charles Crawley Presidents update Nov 16 BSBMT Open Meeting Charles Crawley Presidents update Nov 16
National clinical trials network for stem cell transplantation NIHR support 4 year funding
National clinical trials network for stem cell transplant NIHR support Hub – based in Birmingham All transplant centres will be invited to join Support for trials nurses in 10 centres
Pivotal role for CTC NIHR badged Steering group for IMPACT Aim to work up 3 prospective studies per year Practice changing Investigator lead Deliverable NIHR badged
Timelines Nov 16 -Applications for Medical Director (closed). Nov 16 Trials proposals and work up. Jan-Feb 17 – Centre applications (clinical trials nurse support) July 17 – Trials nurse appointments Oct 17 – First patient entry
Clinical Review Group (CRG) Reformatted CRG Chair – John Snowdon Representatives NHS BT Anthony Nolan Paediatric BSBMT Regional reps 8 Patient reps 3
Commissioning intentions Policies agreed for aGvHD cGvHD Waldenstroms Second transplant Indications due to be considered in 2017 Lymphoblastic lymphoma PCNSL
Registry 7th Annual report 2008-13 long term outcomes 2014 transplant activity Era analysis 2002-7 vs 2008-13
2002-7 vs 2008-13 Overall Survival
2002-7 vs 2008-13 NRM
Data Management Support Completed Data Manager Survey Site visit program Data Management Workshop Working with transplant centres towards paperless reporting Improving metrics for data quality
Protocol Harmonisation Matt Collins Due to circulate summary of common protocols Agree a short list of 2-3 commonly agreed variants Publish on the BSBMT website Contribution to English language - protocologram
Scientific and Educational Days Education day – Today John Snowdon Scientific day – Wed 10th May 17 Karl Peggs/Persis Amrolia Education day Support for one team member from all centres to attend Ideas/suggestions
Hepatitis E Recommendation by SaBTo to provide HEV screened blood products in March 16 New SaBTo guidance imminent Likely universal screening Guidance on donor screening Outstanding questions management of positive patients and donors Post transplant screening Dietary advice
ACCEA 2016 David Marks (chair) Applications New Renewal Platinum 1 Gold Silver 3 Bronze
BSBMT Executive Standing down Stepping up Gordon Cook David Edwards Jenny Bryne
Elections President elect Autologous transplant representative Executive member
Quality Managers Forum Sarah Hotlby Next meeting – Thursday 3rd Nov
BSBMT Nurses Group Michelle Kenyon Meetings Southampton October 17 – Manchester combined with EBMT International Nurses Study Day