Yerevan, 7 December 2010 Katia Dolgova-Dreyer Development of a national qualifications framework in Armenia: background and co-operation with the Council of Europe Yerevan, 7 December 2010 Katia Dolgova-Dreyer
The objective of this seminar To review the development of a national qualifications framework in Armenia; Examine the current situation; Define further steps (how can the Council of Europe assist Armenian authorities?)
How it started Armenia joined the Bologna Process in 2005; Decision to start the development of an NQF was taken in Spring 2007; Main reasons: Clear description of skills, knowledge and competences; Mobility support; Information for the labour market what a person is supposed to know and to do after completing a certain educational level; Comparability with other higher education systems; Adaptation to the needs of the labour market; Basis for universities in developing their study programmes Raising attractiveness of Armenian higher education;
Council of Europe’s expertise In Spring 2008 the Armenian Minister of Education and Science visited the CoE and expressed interest in having the CoE expertise on the NQF; CoE chairs the Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks and has a mandate of co-ordinating the sharing of national experiences in developing NQF. Two CoE experts worked in Armenia from 2008 to 2010 Maiki Udam – work and report in 2008; Mogens Berg – work and report in 2009 -2010
How was the process organised? In 2007 a working group was formed under the co-ordination of the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia; This group consisted of 8 persons, representing the Ministry of Education and Science, ENIC and four higher education institutions (Yerevan State University, State Engineering University, Agricultural University and University of Economics; CoE expert’s comment in 2008: it would be good to involve representatives of employers and students.
Important issues raised before the development of an NQF Should Armenia develop NQF for all cycles or only for higher education? (only higher education is obligatory under the Bologna Process); What to do with scientific degrees (2 steps) Should different descriptors be developed according to the specialities (arts, sports, engineering, etc)
Expert’s recommendations in 2008 Evaluate the resoures of time, people, competene (it takes time!) Hire someone to ‘do the dirty work’; Concentrate on your own system but keep in mind the levels of EQF; Involve as many stakeholders as possible; Relate the regulations on validation of non-formal and informal learning and QA to NQF; Organise trainings for HEIs to define LOs and relate them to NQF.
NQF in 2009 and 2010 Armenian authorities decided to develop an NQF for all levels of education (a draft was developed by October 2009); CoE expert’s comments on the draft NQF: Use of levels corresponding exactly to the EQF; Level descriptors should be reviewed in consultations with universities (3rd cycle, level 8); Final draft should be subject to a broad hearing among interested stakeholders; Credit system for levels 6,7 and 8 should be compatible to ECTS Language requirements (part of the NQF should authorities consider it necessary). Quality assurance?
Future steps Leuven Communique ‘we aim at having national qualifications frameworks implemented and prepared for self-certification against the overarching Qualifications Framework for the EHEA by 2012’. As a member of the Bologna Process Armenia has specific obligations in relation to its NQF as regards higher education.