HISTORY OF THEATRE: The Rise of Modern Theatre Wayne Davidson M.Ed Theatre Arts Director Da Vinci School for Science and the Arts
To consider some of the major influences on Modern Theatre Lesson Objectives To consider some of the major influences on Modern Theatre To understand the origins of naturalistic theatre To experiment practically with a variety of styles
Starter ( 5 mins) Brainstorm in pairs everything you know about the following types of theatre: Melodrama Farce Naturalism
19th Century Theatre The main types of theatre during the later part of the 19th Century were: Melodrama Farce Main characteristics of melodrama Stock (Typical) characters Stock storylines An exaggerated acting style (grand gestures, dramatic voices and emotions)
Farce Main characteristics of Farce Slapstick style of comedy Stock storylines Stereotypical characters Emphasis on action rather than dialogue
Naturalism/Realism Towards the end of the 19th Century, there was a reaction to the popular styles of theatre (melodrama and farce) across Europe. These practitioners wanted to create ‘real’ Drama dealing with everyday life and real issues They also wanted to create staging techniques that reflected this style. This included settings, props, lighting etc that reflected real places instead of painted on backdrops and fake props Their innovative plays and staging techniques were not initially well received by a British audience who were used to light hearted escapist drama
Konstantin Stanislavski KEY PEOPLE Henrik Ibsen (Norway) ‘A Doll’s House’ Anton Chekhov (Russia) ‘The Cherry Orchard’ August Strindberg (Germany) ‘Miss Julie’ Konstantin Stanislavski (Russia) practitioner, director, Actor Anton Checkov Henrik Ibsen Konstantin Stanislavski August Strindberg
Konstantin STANISLAVSKI An actor who was frustrated by what he considered to be ‘mechanical acting’ – a performance which was learned by the actor and repeated night after night He believed that an actor needed to ‘live’ the role in order to keep his/her performance fresh and spontaneous Developed a system of training for the actor and for rehearsing a production. Believed that the creation of a role should be actor led and not director led Many of his techniques are still used for training actors today
Group Work PRACTICAL ACTIVITY Task 1: Create a short scene which should last approximately 5 minutes entitled “The murder of sweet Sarah and the crooked finger Mystery” using the stock characters and style of Melodrama. Task 2. Adapt this scene in the style of modern Naturalism . This scene should last 5 minutes. Perform the work in both styles
Discussion Question: PLENARY What have you learned today about modern theatre and its influences? What are the major differences between early 20th century theatre and theatre of today? What is your view of modern theatre today in relation to theatre through history ? What influences still survive today?