Results Achieved 2012-17 Future PFM Priorities and Plans 2017-22 Treasury Community of Practice (TCOP) Cross-COP ExCom Meeting, Berne Switzerland, July 2016
PEMPAL offers to the treasury specialists from 21 TCOP member countries an efficient platform for: Learning from and with each other; Interacting regularly in the process of reforming the national treasury systems; Sharing common professional challenges, related to TCOP members’ priority topics: - Public Sector Accounting and Reporting; - Treasury Control, evolution of the Treasury role and functions; Use of Informational Technologies in treasury operations; Cash management.
TCOP main objectives Promotion of PFM reforms that are priorities for TCOP members, with the focus on national treasuries reforms Provision of high quality resources and knowledge services to TCOP members Forming a highly professional community of treasury specialists in TCOP countries Gaining support for TCOP activities and for activities of PEMPAL as a whole from top management of treasuries from member countries.
TCOP Executive Committee Vugar Abdullayev, TCOP Chair, Deputy Head , State Treasury, Azerbaijan Zaifun Yernazarova, TCOP Deputy Chair, Head of Department, MoF, Kazakhstan Nino Tchelishvili , TCOP Deputy Chair, Deputy Head, State Treasury, Georgia TCOP Executive Committee Marija Popovic, Head of Department, MoF, Montenegro Mimoza Pilkati, Head of Department , State Treasury, Albania Alexandr Demidov, Deputy Head, State Treasury, Russian Federation Ludmila Gurianova, Deputy Head, State Treasury, Belarus Angela Voronin, Deputy Head, State Treasury, Moldova Ismatullo Khakimov, First Deputy Head, State Treasury, Tajikistan
Evaluation of Action Plan Implementation – performance indicators... 5 TCOP Plenary Meetings gathered around 305 participants (Baku, Kiev, Tbilisi, Tirana, Chisinau) TCOP Plenary Workshops 6 small-format workshops (Skopje, Minsk, Podgorica, Tbilisi, Ankara, Chisinau) with participations of around 200 TCOP members Small-Format Workshops 5 study visits (Tallinn, London, Ankara, Vienna, Seoul) with participation of around 80 TCOP members Study Visits 19 thematic video conferences were held with participation of around 390 TCOP members Thematic Video Conferences 1 PEMPAL Plenary Meeting with participation of 35 TCOP representatives (Moscow) PEMPAL Plenary Meetings
TCOP activities in figures Number of participants in TCOP events - over 1000 TCOP members 4 thematic Surveys conducted among TCOP countries 30 senior officials from Ministries of Finance and national Treasuries took part in TCOP events 65 members (about 10% of all participants) attended TCOP face-to-face events as self-payers (on their countries’ expense) About 160 presentations made at TCOP events by representatives of member countries About 230 documents uploaded to PEMPAL virtual library
Mr. Roman Artyukhin, the Head of Treasury of the Russian Federation attended 4 TCOP events: ”As one of the participants to the first TCOP event held in 2006, and several others recently conducted, I am impressed by the PEMPAL significant progress in creating and offering knowledge products and opportunities for sharing experience among the members. I am glad to remark the increasing role of the TCOP members themselves in preparing the content of the events. The PEMPAL member-countries act both as PFM knowledge donors and beneficiaries, which contributes to the efficiency of the network and peer to peer learning”
Outcome of discussions - decisions based on best practice
Examples of Outcomes - Peer review of developed draft Charts of Accounts (Tajikistan, Ukraine). Recommendations provided to countries on the plans (strategies, concepts) for reforming various aspects of treasury activities (Montenegro, Belarus) - Several knowledge products having practical value for the TCOP members have been developed - Contacts established with the Ministries of Finance of the UK, France, Netherlands, South Korea, Estonia, as well as IFAC, CIPFA and IPSASB - Collection of materials on treasury activities in the PEMPAL Virtual Library - Applications for financing PFM technical assistance based on information received within PEMPAL (Kazakhstan, Belarus)
Examples of Outcomes Successful practices in implementation of treasury information systems identified and demonstrated (the agenda of events held in Georgia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Moldova included on-line demonstration of treasury IT systems).
TSA coverage in ECA PEMPAL countries Examples of Outcomes Four thematic surveys conducted, assessing the status of reforms on several PFM areas, including public assets accounting, financial reporting consolidation, TSA arrangements, etc TSA coverage in ECA PEMPAL countries Data from PEMPAL TCOP survey implemented in March 2016, countries covered: Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey and Ukraine
TCOP Thematic Groups Group “Evolution of the Treasury Role and Functions” (10 countries). Groups on accounting and reporting in the public sector, with focus on: Integration of Budget Classification and Chart of Accounts (5 countries) Accounting standards (6 countries) Accounting for public assets (10 countries) Consolidation of financial statements (7 countries) Group on use of IT in treasury operations (10 countries) Group on cash management (9 countries)
Results achieved by the Thematic Group on Integration of Budget Classification and Chart of Accounts Methodological support to the interested countries in integration of Charts of Accounts (CoA) with Budget Classification based on international standards Main Goal Review of the situation with CoA and BC integration in group member countries Consideration and development of proposals to the draft budget sector CoA of Ukraine What Was Done Review of Economic Classifications Comments to Charts of Accounts Expert presentations on issues of interest to the group members Summary document on successes of BC and CoA integration with examples from TCOP countries Developed Documents
Knowledge Products developed by TCOP Summary document on successful BC and CoA integration with examples from TCOP countries Final report on the work of the TCOP thematic group on Asset Management Draft of the Practical Guidance on Consolidation of Financial Statements Report on the results of the Survey on budget execution and cash management issues Report on the results of the Survey on Treasury Single Account functioning in PEMPAL member countries Detailed Reports on all events, which among other things contain main results of discussions
TCOP members’ thematic priorities identified through regular Surveys Topics for discussions for the future period, confirmed during the last survey (June 2016): Public sector Accounting and Reporting; Evolution of the Treasury role and functions; Use of IT in treasury operations; Cash management Treasury control and risk management Event formats: Plenary meetings; Small thematic workshops; Study visits; Thematic videoconferences
Ideas for Cross-COP Collaborations Accrual budgeting Integration of Budget Classification and Chart of Accounts Monitoring and и ex-ante control of treasury operations Impact of program budgeting implementation on treasury operations Risk management in budget execution Decentralization and delegation of the MoF and Treasury powers to the line ministries
PEMPAL unites treasury specialists and various cultures…
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