Rachel Cox, Learner Support Manager Helen Gray, Safeguarding and Welfare Manager
Task… Additional Learning Support Safeguarding & Welfare Team Learner Support, Safeguarding & Welfare The key facts… Additional Learning Support Safeguarding & Welfare Team Safety & Engagement Team College Nurse & Counselling Service Student Services Finance UPAY Brief overview of the Support services available to your son/daughter at college Rachel – Learner Support Manager (Voc eve) Helen – Safeguarding and Welfare (A Level eve) Work closely within the same Learner Services team.
Task… Additional Learning Support Study Zone – visit for: The key facts… Study Zone – visit for: Supported Study Study skills support One to one guidance Group study space Support for students who have a specific learning difficulty, e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD Exam Access Arrangements Support related to studies. Various locations around college (LRC, workzones). Have a study zone for group or 1:1 guidance.
Safety and Wellbeing – high on the college agenda. Trained Safeguarding Team within College. Important that you are aware you can contact, as well as students. If you ever need to contact college, ring the general switchboard and ask for the Safeguarding Team – but can email or text. If a student is affected by something in or outside of college then we want to be aware and offer help/support if needed. It may be the team can offer support through college or refer to external agencies.
Intro to Polly and Paula Intro to Polly and Paula. Started at college last year, maintain a safe and welcoming presence, particularly within the public areas. Support students if they aren’t happy, get lost, having troubles within their peer group etc.
Nurse in college – nearly 9 years.
Task… Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Behaviour Student Policies The key facts… Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Behaviour Student Disciplinary Stop & Search Drugs and Alcohol Student Medication
Task… For ALL 16-18 students Full Time Subsidised Term Bus Passes Financial Support The key facts… For ALL 16-18 students Full Time Subsidised Term Bus Passes FREE Breakfast (before 8.45am) College Bursary (total household income under £30,000) Free Term Bus Passes Free Kit/Equipment Discretionary Support Free College Meals (subject to entitlement to certain benefits) During the year we may be able to help with additional costs/substantial trips depending on our budget. Term passes are renewed each term e.g. Christmas & Easter. If unsure if your student has the right pass or service then we can check.
Task… UPAY Load onsite with cash or credit/debit cards The key facts… Load onsite with cash or credit/debit cards Students load online using UPAY account Parents load online as guest top up Loading machines in the refectory – will take coins (10p and above), all notes and also has a chip & pin facility. In the first couple of weeks of term, it is expected to be very busy, so where possible it would be better, quicker and more efficient to use UPAY. If using the cash loader, try to avoid busy times e.g. lunchtimes and try to load up once a week. Pick a time when other students are in class and it is not busy.
Task… If possible phone ahead/pre-arrange meeting Visiting College The key facts… If possible phone ahead/pre-arrange meeting Sign in at Reception as a visitor