Notable Energy Developments Since EWG51 (MOFA, Japan) Atsushi Suda Principal Deputy Director for Economic Security Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) APEC EWG 52 October 2016
Overview Study Tour to “the Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA)” G7 CONNEX Initiative International Conference on Capacity Building and Transparency in the extractives sector Energy Charter Conference / International Seminar on Energy Security in Asia
1. Study Tour to the Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA) Date : 25 Aug. 2016 Participants 12 diplomats from 10 countries; Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, Germany, Korea, Myanmar, Pakistan, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United States Participating diplomats expressed keen interest in the research activities of most-advanced technologies undertaken by AIST.
Key Research Activities by FREA Advanced Integration of Renewable Energies Production and Utilization Technology for Hydrogen Carrier Advanced Technology for Wind Power Generation High-Performance Thin-Crystalline Silicon PV Modules Effective and Sustainable use of Geothermal Resources Ground-Source Heat Pump System and its System Optimization Technology *Quoted from AIST website
2. G7 CONNEX Initiative International Conference on Capacity Building and Transparency in the extractives sector Date : 15-16 Sept. 2016 Venue: JICA Building (Tokyo) Participants : Over 200 participants from government, industry, and academia The main discussion (1)Current situation of development in the resources sector. (2)Current trends related to transparency of extractive industry. (3)Challenges and prospects of Mid- long term support for capacity building, governance, and transparancy improvement in all phases of extractives projects.
The initiative on Strengthening Assistance for Complex Contract Negotiations (CONNEX) 1. Background Launched at the G7 Brussels Summit in 2014 Aiming to provide developing country partners with multi-disciplinary and concrete expertise for negotiating complex commercial contracts To ensure such complex commercial contracts are well-conceived and well-negotiated for a host country’s successful and inclusive development 2. Three Pillars of the CONNEX Initiative and the previous work Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 3 Long-term capacity building and increasing transparency - CONNEX Guiding Principles towards Sustainable Development - G7 CONNEX Initiative International Conference on Capacity Building and Transparency on 15-16 Sept. Information integration and accessibility on existing resources - Established an open web portal @CCSI in 2014 Enhancing existing negotiation support - Endorsed the CONNEX Code of Conduct at the Elmau Summit - Held a Negotiation Support Forum in Dec 2015 and Jun 2016@OECD Roadmap Support Providers Trainings
3. Energy Charter Conference Date and Venue: 25-26 Nov. 2016 Hotel Keio Plaza (Tokyo) Theme: “Relevance of the International Energy Charter to Global Challenges: its potential contributions to sustainable development and global efforts on climate change” Key Discussions expected in Ministerial Session H.E. Fumio KISHIDA , Minister for Foreign Affairs, will chair the conference Session1 “How the Energy Charter process can contribute to global climate change and sustainable development including energy access?” Session2 “What kind of roles the Energy Charter process can play to address global energy challenges with views of Asian and African emerging countries?”
4. International Seminar on Energy Security in Asia Date : 25 Nov. 2016 Venue : Hotel Keio Plaza (Tokyo) To be held as the outreach session of Energy Charter Conference Draft Agenda *Subject to change Theme : Global Energy Architecture and its Implications in Asia Keynote speech Dr. Fatih Birol (Executive Director, International Energy Agency) Dr. Urban Rusnák (Secretary General, Energy Charter) Dr. Xiansheng Sun (Secretary General, International Energy Forum) Session 1 Global Energy Architecture for better global energy future: Challenges and Opportunities Session 2 How to strengthen Energy Security by better mobilizing global energy architecture: Implication in Asia and Future