The Magic Box I will put in my box I will put in my box The roar of the most fiercest ogre from the deepest darkest cave, A piece of mouldy cheese from a yellow moon, Power of a monster starfish’s beam of the brightest light. I will put in my box The smell of a pink fart from socks five years old, The last secret of Albert Einstien, A glimpse of God from the fluffy cloud. I will put in my box A blue bubbly potion of everlasting life, Rumours that Santa Claus is dead, Fears that the Bogey Man is actually real. As tiny as a mouse and as grey as a rock, Sharp dragon teeth on its body and legs, As bumpy as a crocodile’s back and tiny wheels for Hinges. It’s made of iron, wood and fur of a rat, Get the password wrong and you’ll be eaten, Its fur has rabies and its tail has rat poison. Cathal Byrne and Colin Whitten