What Is A Globe? 3.01 Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective.
A globe is a map of the world.
A globe is a map of the? World
The world looks round like a ball.
The world looks like a ? Ball
The world is also called Earth.
What is another name for the World? Earth
We live on the Earth.
We live on the? Earth
Most of the world is covered with water. On a globe, the water is blue.
The world is mostly covered with ? Water
There are four oceans on the Earth. Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Arctic Ocean
How many oceans are there? 4 four
The rest of the world is land. The land on the Earth is a continent.
Most of the Earth is water, the rest is ? Land
There are seven continents. North America Europe Asia South America Antarctica Australia Africa
Our continent is North America. Our country is the United States. Our state is Tennessee.
Most importantly, we live on the Earth.
We live on the? Earth
A map of the Earth is called a ? Globe
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