Year 5 have spent the day at West Coventry Academy today. Limbrick News Date: 16th June 2017 Latest news: Special mention certificates were awarded to: Yr R – Rhys Yr 1 – Rosie-Ann and whole class Yr 2 – Meleena Yr 3 – Destiny and Emilija Yr 4 – Whole class Yr 5 – Out on a trip when Special Mention certificates were given out this week Yr 6 – Whole class Reading raffle winners: Rec – Ameera Yr 1 – Corey Yr 2 – Heaven Yr 3 – Farzad Yr 4 – Katy Yr 5 – Casey Yr 6 – Millie-Sue Several classes have been out and about this week. Year 4 travelled to New Walk Museum near Leicester yesterday and had a great time learning about the Egyptians, as you can see in the pictures below. Year 5 have spent the day at West Coventry Academy today. Hats and sun cream Hopefully the sun will be back next week, so please make sure that you apply sun cream to your children’s skin before they come to school. Sun hats need to be worn on sunny days. Urgent appeal for Active Kids Vouchers; If you still have Active Kids vouchers at home, please send them into school so that they can be sent off to Sainsbury’s with our order for equipment. New member of staff; We are very pleased to welcome back Mrs Parsons, who will be working throughout the school supporting pupils with their learning.
Limbrick News Diary dates: Wednesday 28th June – Nursery Sports Day Thursday 29th June – It’s a Knockout Wednesday 5th July – Year 6 transfer day Wednesday 5th July – New Nursery children “Stay and Play”, 10.15 – 11.15am Thursday 6th July - New Reception parents meeting, 2.00 – 3.00pm Wednesday 12th July - KS1 Sports Day am Wednesday 12th July – KS2 Sports Day pm Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 performance “Hoodwinked”, 9.15am Wednesday 19th July – Reserve Sports Day in case of rain on 12th July Get Safe Online: West Midlands Police are promoting a website that helps everyone to be safe online. Please see St Andrews Drama Club: Selina and Emma from St Andrew's church will be running a 5 week drama workshop at Jardine Youth Centre commencing Monday 12th June from 6-7pm. The theme is ‘Under the Sea’. The workshop is free and aimed at 8-12 year olds. Anyone in that age bracket is welcome. Please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or if you would like to know more. Letters this week: Year 4 thank you note Nursery - Meeting about Reception class New Faces: None this week. Costs: Dinner money: £2.10 per day £10.50 per week School Uniform: School Coats - £16.00 Fleeces - £13.50 Sweatshirts – £8.00 / £9.50 (depending on size) Book bags – £4.00 Pump bags – £4.00 Breakfast Club: £ 2.00 Per day After School Club: £ 5.50 Per day 100% Attendance and Punctuality: Our Year 3 class achieved 100% attendance this week. Year 3 will be able to wear non-uniform on Monday 19th June. Well done to all of Year 3. There were 40 lates this week which affected 6 classes. Please ensure your children arrive at school on time. The bell goes at 8.55am. Children need to arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.55am, in order to undertake early morning work. Therefore we will continue to record poor punctuality. If children arrive after 8.55am, they will be recorded in the late book and their parents/carers will be asked to sign the late book and record the reason why. Mrs Devine will be closely monitoring children who are continuously late for school, offering support to those families who need it. If children are regularly late for school, then I will also ask parents/carers to attend a meeting with myself and the Children and Family First Team to address this issue more formally.