Bringing up a child in the 21st century
E-safety day All children were taught to make sure that adults always know what they are going on when using ICT. Children have learnt to explore websites and have begun to understand how to use technology safely to search for particular information. (Child friendly google) They are aware of how to deal with pop-ups and have been taught to tell an adult immediately if they see anything unusual. They have been taught not to share passwords or personal information. They have been taught which devices access the internet. (X-box live) We looked at hyperlinks and when to use them safely. We taught the children not to download apps or games without adult permission.
What can I do now to help my child? – this site contains fun games and activities to use as discussion points with your child in issues around e-safety. – get a quick summary of new apps, movies, games etc. These give info on how appropriate the content is. - access a range of resources including an interactive guide called “Know IT all for parents”. Contains key advice, info and support for keeping kids safe. - a step by step guide on how to keep your child safe and your home internet world safe – this website includes a unique facility that enables parents and young people to make reports of actual or attempted abuse online. The click CEOP button is on many websites (including school) as an emergency button to report such incidents.