8.1 Notes - Spain
Overview: Spain vs. England In the 1500s and 1600s, European monarchs wanted to create powerful kingdoms in which they could command the complete loyalty of all their subjects. This form of government, called absolutism, placed absolute, or unlimited, power in the monarch and his or her advisers.
Absolutely Divine! Kings wanted a form of government called absolutism, where their subjects (people) would obey them completely. Strength of absolutism rested on the idea of divine right, or that their power to rule comes directly from God.
The Habsburgs The Habsburgs were Europe’s most powerful royal family. But, their Spanish lands were too scattered for any one person to rule effectively. To fix this problem, King Charles V retired and divided the empire amongst his brother and son.
The Habsburgs King Charles V’s Brother King Charles V’s Son Name: Ferdinand Gets lands in central Europe Later becomes the Holy Roman Emperor King Charles V’s Son Name: Philip II Gets Spain, the Netherlands, southern Italy, and Spain’s overseas empire
The Spanish Empire
Philip II (Ruled from 1556-1598) Son of Charles V and Isabella of Portugal. Nickname = The Prudent King He was cautious, hardworking and suspicious of others. The most powerful monarch in Spanish history.
Catholic Forever Phillip was a Catholic and he wanted to end Protestantism in his lands , this led him into many costly wars He supported the Spanish inquisition against Jews and converted Muslims (Moriscos) He tried to make the Netherlands (aka Dutch) Catholic but they wanted to remain Protestant. War started! After 14 years (1567 to 1581) of war the Dutch declared independence from Spain with help of English Queen Elizabeth who sent weapons and English ships (and Pirates) to attack Spanish fleet
Sailing and Sinking with the Spanish Armada! In 1586 Phillip II of Spain had enough of English meddling in Dutch war so he assembled a HUGE fleet called an Armada. The Armada had 151 ships, 33,000 men and was going to invade England. In May 1588 the Armada sailed for the English Coast . was defeated by English ships who sent in “fire ships” to break up the fleet and had longer range cannons. Fleet was prevented from landing in England. Spanish fleet was mostly destroyed in storms as they tried to come home around the British Islands. Ended Spain’s Dominance of the seas. (only 67 ships get back to Spain)
Spanish Armada of 1588
“Seas” the Day? The defeat of the Armada not only ended Philip’s plans to invade England, it also marked the beginning of Spain’s decline as a sea power.
Wrap-Up Horrible Histories: Fun facts, 4+: https://vimeo.com/83530381 List at least 10+ details on the Spanish Armada from this vla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlMU7LrkSJk