Cross Community CI (XCI) Fatih Degirmenci, Ericsson Yolanda Robla Mota, Red Hat Markos Chandras, SUSE
Network Functions Virtualization From physical network functions (PNF) To virtual network functions (VNF) Application Application OS Processor Network Application Application Industry standard virtualization Industry standard processor Industry standard networking From specialized HW & OS To open, industry standard platform NFV aims to replace dedicated network appliances with sw that runs on cots servers and on Linux, transforming the network. This is important in order to increase the speed of innovation, bringing in new services to end users faster. ETSI NFV architecture.
Open Platform for Network Functions Virtualization OPNFV is a carrier-grade, integrated, open source platform to accelerate the introduction of new NFV products and services.
What does OPNFV actually do? Upstream: we fix what is missing in upstream components Downstream: we integrate them by consuming the components Upstream + Downstream = Midstream The diagram is taken from
Functional Testing (Functest) Platform Benchmarking (Yardstick) The Combinations Testing Functional Testing (Functest) Platform Benchmarking (Yardstick) Addons / Features SFC BGPVPN KVM for NFV FD.IO SDN / Networking OpenDaylight ONOS OpenContrail Calico Cloud Execution OpenStack Kubernetes Host OS Ubuntu CentOS OpenSUSE No all features/components are shown!
Way of Working Long development cycle OPNFV Project Team OPNFV Gerrit OPNFV CI/Test OPNFV Release Upstream Gerrit Upstream CI/Test Upstream Release Requirement Patch Test Release Document Downstream Test Release Long development cycle Downstream will delay to next release Slow feedback, > 5 months OPNFV specific issues cannot be tested/detected in time
But… Speed Quality and predictability is key We are slow and things are fast! Always trying to catch up Quality and predictability is key
Cross Community CI – XCI
INCREASE IN CONFIDENCE The XCI Flow patchset verification periodic master INCREASE IN CONFIDENCE sha pin SHAs artifacts patchset verification periodic master daily pinned sha/rpm/deb weekly promoted scenarios rpm deb rpm deb patchset verification periodic master promote & pin bump sandbox functest & yardstick many arrive, few pass stress few arrive any pass? Full tracing is built into XCI on the day one!
XCI & Life of a Developer XCI Sandbox feedback in minutes patch patch trigger Gerrit XCI Baremetal Deployment Functest & Yardstick XCI Baremetal Deployment Stress Test new features bugs feedback on a weekly basis feedback on a daily basis feedback in hours XCI Patchset Verification trigger patch Gerrit Full tracing is built into XCI on the day one!
Tooling + bifrost openstack-ansible
Bifrost What is it? Standalone Ironic Tool for provisioning virtual and bare metal machines Ansible based Supports Ubuntu, CentOS, and openSUSE Easy to use – create inventory, install bifrost, enroll and deploy machines! Current Status Rock-solid! OPNFV runs 3rd Party CI for all the patches! Used by OPNFV XCI
Node Enrollment
Node Deployment
OpenStack Ansible What is it? Current Status Tool for installing OpenStack Containerized (lxc) OpenStack services (or install them on baremetal) Ansible based Easy integration – write your own role Ability to deploy using patches Supports Ubuntu, CentOS, and openSUSE Current Status Used by OPNFV XCI
OpenStack Ansible Source based deployments – crucial for development patchset verification Developer Mode patch things and get it deployed what you modified! Used for real life public and private cloud deployments stable!