How did Eisenhower shape the Cold War? He used threat of nuclear war as a negotiating strategy “Massive retaliation” “More bang for the buck” P336 Eisenhower president 1953-1961
Why was brinkmanship risky? When China threatened, Eisenhower hinted that he would use ….China backed off. Egypt seized Suez Canal. Britain and France invaded. -Soviet union threatened bombs on London and Paris. -Stalemate…Egypt and others under Soviet influence. USSR built the Aswan Dam. P336 Eisenhower president 1953-1961 Eisenhower furious at B and F
What did covert operations accomplish? Iran’s Mossadegh nationalized oil industry in 1953. -United States feared Iran pro Soviet Union. -U.S. sent in CIA to arrange coup to remove Mossadegh and put in puppet for the United States. Guatemala chose a communist leaning president in 1954. -This president wanted to nationalize the farm production of bananas, which would hurt American owned United Fruit Company. -The CIA assembled an army in Guatemala to push out the president and install a president who was pro United States. United States U-2 spy plane shot down in 1960. -Soviet Union and United States summit canceled by Khrushchev. P337 What does nationalize mean? Why would nation do it?
Why did Eisenhower fear the military-industrial complex? He feared the link between the military and the defense industry. He especially feared this arrangement in a democracy.
Kennedy won by a margin of .0017. In the electoral college 303 to 219. Was Obama the first president to leverage new technology to win an election? Both Nixon and Kennedy used television heavily, but the televised debates favored Kennedy. Kennedy won by a margin of .0017. In the electoral college 303 to 219. P336 Eisenhower president 1953-1961
Was Kennedy a progressive president? He tried to persuade businesses to lower costs. He persuaded Congress to raise the minimum wage and fund low income housing. Commission on the Status of Women; but no woman appointed to cabinet. Panel on Mental Retardation Kennedy did not take definitive action on civil rights. He was cautious. He engaged in the Space Race. Kennedy started the Peace Corps. P 363 But Kennedy's narrow election victory and small working margin in Congress left him cautious. He was reluctant to lose southern support for legislation on many fronts by pushing too hard on civil rights legislation.
As the United States settled into its role as a great world power, how did it shift its approach to the welfare of the individual? Baker v. Carr: “one person, one vote” -Redistricting to achieve fairness Mapp v. Ohio: “state courts could not look at evidence that had been gathered in violation of the Constitution” Miranda v. Arizona: “government officials must inform suspects of their rights” Engel v. Vitale: “no enforced prayer in public schools” Grisworld v. Connecticut: “citizens have privacy right to use contraceptive” P365 Warren Court
Current challenges you will face this century? Technology improves lives, but do nations use it as a form or reputation building? Sputnik 1957 Gagarin (guh-GAHR-uhn) orbits earth 1961 Kennedy commits, “man on the moon this decade” [He never saw it.] Glenn orbits earth 1962 United States landed on the moon 1969 Current challenges you will face this century? P368 369 What are current challenges?
Did Kennedy succeed in the chess game against the Soviet Union? Stalin had been dead since 1953. Khrushchev led the USSR during the 1960s. Castro, who was a friend of USSR, took control of Cuba in 1959. (Overthrew corrupt Batista.) Eisenhower created plan to invade. (Communist!) Kennedy adopted the plan. (Communist!) Botched landing. Kennedy pulls the planes. United States looked “weak and disorganized.” P336 Eisenhower president 1953-1961
What action did the Soviet Union take to build its reputation as being “tough” and “successful”? Khrushchev demanded that the United States 1. recognize East Germany as a nation AND 2. turn over West Berlin. “No.” What price freedom? P370 Berlin wall built 1961 to stop people from fleeing East Germany Kill Zone Freedom