To be Present tense
Present tense أنا I am
Present tense أنتم You are
Present tense هو He is
Present tense هي She is
Present tense فمن It is
Present tense نحن We are
Present tense هم They are
Present tense SENTENCE I am happy. QUESTION Am I happy?
Present tense SENTENCE You are happy. QUESTION Are you happy?
Present tense SENTENCE He is happy. QUESTION Is he happy?
Present tense SENTENCE She is happy. QUESTION Is she happy?
Present tense SENTENCE He is happy. QUESTION Is he happy?
Present tense SENTENCE It is happy. QUESTION Is it happy?
Present tense SENTENCE We are happy. QUESTION Are we happy?
SENTENCE They are happy. QUESTION Are they happy? Present tense SENTENCE They are happy. QUESTION Are they happy?