Intermediate Grammar Candice A. Graham, M.A.Ed.
How many sentences can you write to describe what these kids are doing?
Classroom Expectations Summer is a short session and we have A LOT to learn Come to Class Be on Time. Don’t be LATE. NO cell phones. Look at the syllabus for cell phone consequences. Do Your Homework. Yes! I mean all of it. Practice, Practice, Practice!
Absences If you miss 10 hours of classroom instructions (late, tardy, absence, or cell phone time), you will be dropped from the class.
Learning Web
Present Progressive
Present Progressive Subject + to be verb + verb + ing I am cooking dinner. They are washing the dishes.
Review: To Be Verbs / Present Tense Am Are Is
Subject + to be verb + verb + ing Present Progressive Subject + to be verb + verb + ing Describes something that is happening NOW Temporary Action – It will not go on forever. Describes that is happening in the short-term present
Present Progressive – Key Words right now at this moment this month this year these days nowadays
Present Progressive – Negative Statements Subject + to be verb + not + verb + ing We are not shopping. I am not listening to the teacher. She is not watching the kids at the pool.
Yes / No Questions To be verb + Subject + verb + ing ? Question: Am I going tonight? Answer: Yes, you are going tonight. Question: Is she eating breakfast? Answer: No, she is not eating breakfast
Wh- Questions Wh- Word + Be + Subject + verb + ing ? Where is he going? What are you doing?
Write 5 Sentences that describe what you are doing now. I am teaching. I teach. Francisco is thinking about his job. Francisco thinks about his job. Ben is sitting in his chair. Ben sits in his chair. Yadhu is listening to his wonderful, awesome teacher. Yadhu listens to his wonderful, awesome teacher. Artina is drinking an orange juice. Artina drinks an orange juice. Connie is sitting at her desk and she is writing a sentence. Connie sits at her desk and she writes a sentence. Frank is learning English. Frank learns English. Mary is copying the sentences. Mary copies the sentences. Jaime is chewing his gum loudly and it is driving Shabi crazy. Jaime chews his gum loudly and it drives Shabi crazy.
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense Subject + Verb Subject and verb must agree. Singular Subject (Only 1) = Add S to the verb Mary walks home. Plural Subject (More than 1/ Regular Nouns Add s or es) = NO S to the verb Mary and Susan walk home.
When to use the Present Tense? Describes what regularly happens? To talk about scientific facts To express how often something happens Use the simple tense with non-action verbs Express Emotions: Hate, Like, Love Mental States: Know, Remember Possession: have Senses: Hear, See, Smell, Notice
Key Words Every Day Usually Always Often Sometimes Rarely Seldom Never