Using Mobile Phones to Fight Polio Yusuf Ibrahim Training Manager, Health Officer, Kenya MOH
The Data cycle Weeks to Months (sometimes continuous) Data Collection Weeks to Months (sometimes continuous) Data Entry Weeks to Months to Years Data Analysis Weeks to Months to Years Data Reporting Weeks to Months to Years (or never) Mobile technology can drastically reduce the time between data collection and action. Action
The Data cycle Data Collection EpiSurveyor has eliminated the need for data entry . . . and is now automating many analysis and reporting functions -- shortening the time and reduce the costs between collection and action. Anyone can create a username and password at for and start using these tools for free Data Entry Data Analysis Data Reporting Action
Kenya August 2009
Onset 7th Feb Reported 9th Feb Onset 5th Feb Reported 8th Feb In February 2009, a series of cases of polio were imported into Lokichogio, in the Turkana North district
Kenya responded aggressively MOH officials conducted two rounds of vaccination campaigns in the impacted areas
With only two days between the rounds of the campaign, paper-based surveys would have been much too slow
M&E teams used Episurveyor Information reviewed daily to reallocate vaccine reassign personnel manage cold chain do on the job training review social mobilization strategies
Any questions? Onset 7th Feb Reported 9th Feb