Moving Toward A More Open Oil & Gas Data Future “Challenges and Solutions for Integrated Management of Environmental, Health, and Community Impact Data Pertaining to the Oil and Gas Industry” A NSF-funded workshop held March 7-8 2016 Workshop Co-Chairs: Steve Hamburg, Adam Peltz & Beth Trask, Environmental Defense Fund Kelly Rose, US DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory Melissa Dozier & Mark Williams, AirWaterGas/University of Colorado Paul Jehn, Groundwater Protection Council NSF Award CBET-1566169
Moving Toward A More Open Oil & Gas Data Future At the workshop a diverse group of stakeholders gathered to: Assess the current landscape of oil & gas data and the current gaps and challenges in that landscape Learn about solutions from other sectors that have successfully improved discoverability, data sharing, regulatory context, and integration Share projects that are changing the future of O&G data management Envision a more open, integrated data system NSF Award CBET-1566169
Moving Toward A More Open Oil & Gas Data Future Who attended? Representatives from: Alberta Energy Regulator National Science Foundation Consortium for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science NCAR Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission U.S. Energy Information Administration (U.S. DOE) NRDC Environmental Defense Fund Osage Nation Energy Esri Professional Petroleum Data Management Assoc. FracTracker Alliance Sonoma Technology, Inc. Groundwater Protection Council Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Harvard Environmental Policy Initiative The Nature Conservancy Houston Advanced Research Center U.S. Environmental Protection Agency IBM University of Colorado IRIS Data Management Center University of Maryland National Energy Technology Laboratory (U.S. DOE) University of Pittsburgh NSF Award CBET-1566169
Moving Toward A More Open Oil & Gas Data Future Next Steps Create materials (website, slides, short reports) for outreach about the benefits, challenges and recommendations for a more open oil and gas data future. Create a forum for the O&G data community to interact and an initial online platform for cataloguing existing data sets and documenting data gaps. Form a steering committee to guide future projects and recruit additional partners. Identify funding sources needed to formalize and support a new open data community and build the technical framework for a more open and networked system. NSF Award CBET-1566169
Moving Toward A More Open Oil & Gas Data Future For more information on the workshop and our next steps: NSF Award CBET-1566169